36 - Did I do something wrong?

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TW: Sexual content

I groan when the morning alarm goes off one Tuesday morning. Negan drags me towards him and grins.

'It's another beautiful morning, sweetheart.'

'Another beautiful day doing laundry', I complain. 'I can't do this, I need a vacation. Do you do vacation days around here?

'Not usually, but maybe I can make an exception', he says, kissing my shoulder. 'Where do you wanna go?'

'Hm, I don't know. Where would you go if you could go anywhere?' I ask him, turning around to look at him.

'How 'bout the Caribbean? Get a nice house near the sea. Blue skies, clear water, palm trees. We'll walk around naked all day and I'll fuck you on the beach.'

'Sounds good', I laugh. 'Will you book the flight?'

'I will', he grins, sliding his hands over my body. 'But just in case it doesn't work out, maybe I should just fuck you right here to be sure.'

He kisses me and slides his hand between my legs. This is how it goes most of the time now. We stay up late to have sex, then we wake up in the morning and do it again. But in between I sleep so well that I still have more energy than I've had in years.

My body responds to his touch and I let my tongue roll over his as he puts his fingers to work expertly. Getting excited, I pull him on top of me and open my legs to him. He enters me quickly, his dick already hard, like it always is in the morning. I wrap my legs around him while he bends over me to kiss my mouth, my neck, my breasts and I dig my fingers into his back as he fucks me into ecstasy. It doesn't take long for both of us to come. Afterwards, we lie in each other's arms for a couple more minutes, until Negan's personal alarm goes off, indicating that breakfast has started.

'Shit, I have to go if I want to eat anything', I say, getting up from the bed reluctantly. Negan kisses me, but stays in bed. He gets to decide how late he gets up himself. I jump into the shower and get dressed quickly. Then I kiss him goodbye before I leave.

'Have a good day, sweetheart', he says, sleepily.

'You too, darling. See you tonight.'

'Can't wait', he smiles.


The day goes by uneventfully and after dinner I decide to catch some fresh air by myself. It's halfway through February now and although it's still cold, at least the days are getting longer again. I walk around the factory, greeting people here and there. I know most of the faces now and recognize quite a few people from drawing their portraits. Eventually I sit down at one of the picknick tables to sketch a little, but after a while I'm interrupted by an unexpected someone.

'Hi', a pretty redhead in a black dresses greets me. 'Can I join you?'

I look up in surprise at Negan's wife, Frankie. She's never talked to me since that first night when Negan took me to their room. I've been avoiding that place like the plague ever since.

'Um, sure', I say. She smiles and takes a seat on the other side of the table. Then she opens up her hand to show me something.

'I found this in Negan's room this afternoon. It's yours, isn't it?'

I blush when I recognize the necklace he gave me in her hand.

'Oh! Uhm...' I stumble. I realize she must know why I've been in his room and it makes me feel awkward.

'It's okay', she says, handing me the necklace. 'We all know about your situation. Negan told us not to talk about it.'

'Thank you', I say awkwardly, taking the necklace from her to stuff it into my pocket. I force myself to smile at her, but I don't really know what else to say. Why was she in his room this afternoon? We just had sex this morning and I'll see him again tonight, is that not enough for him? I shouldn't be upset about this, I know exactly who he is. But I can't help but wonder if he feels the same way with her as he does with me.

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