18 - I don't want to be your wife

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TW: Sexual content

Derek and I jump away from each other, as if from electric shock. Negan's standing just a couple of feet away from us. He looks amused, but I still feel danger in the air. He never explicitly told me not to be intimate with anyone before I become his wife, but I have a feeling he doesn't like it. Derek seems to sense it too. Or maybe he's just reacting to Negan's general intimidating nature.

'Evening, sir.' He nods at Negan.

Just then, I remember to bow, so I begin to bend my knees, but Negan stops me with a gesture.

'No need to do that on a night like this, sweetheart. I came to party with the rest of you. Wasn't expecting to see you here, but it is a wonderful surprise.' He points from me to Derek and back again. 'How did this happen?'

Derek answers for us.

'Lara wanted to see you, sir. But I stopped her because she didn't have permission to be on the upper floor. We got to talking and I invited her to come tonight.'

'Ah, she broke a rule?' Negan takes a menacing step forward. 'Did you punish her, Derek?'

Derek shoots me a quick glance before he answers. He looks highly uncomfortable.

'No sir, I gave her a warning. She didn't know she needed permission.'

Negan makes a disapproving sound.

'You can't just allow someone to break the rules if they bat their big brown eyes at you, you know that don't you? I have to be able to trust my guards not to fall for the tricks of a pretty girl. Was I too quick to make you one of my Saviors?'

Derek gulps. I keep my eyes on him to watch his reaction. And to avoid having to look at Negan.

'I'm sorry, Negan', he responds, scratching his neck nervously. 'Did you want me to... should I punish her, sir?'

Derek keeps his eyes firmly away from me, but I can feel Negan's eyes burning on my skin, even though I don't look at him. He doesn't answer right away, keeping us both waiting. I feel my anxiety growing, but try not to show it. Because that's exactly what he wants, isn't it? His games are starting to become familiar to me. Still, I wonder how bad of a punishment there could be for walking into the wrong hallway?

'You know what? I'm gonna let this one slide. I've been lenient on our new friend as well. Maybe too lenient.'

I finally meet his eye, trying hard not to show my emotions on my face. He's clearly enjoying himself playing with us. His grin pisses me off but I force a smile. It takes quite an effort. I probably shouldn't drink any more if I want to keep my emotions under control.

'What did you want to talk to me about, Lara?'

I take a quick look at Derek. He looks slightly relieved about not having to punish me, but still very uncomfortable.

'Nothing', I answer. 'I already told Derek it's not important.'

Negan raises an eyebrow.

'You broke my rules for nothing?'

'I didn't know I was breaking any rules.'

'Come on, tell me. Or I might change my mind about punishing you.'

'Nothing', I snap, repeating myself. 'I just wanted to... ask how you're doing.'

Derek looks unconvinced and Negan starts to grin broadly, both clearly seeing through my lie. I can't blame them, it has to be the least convincing lie I ever told. But being caught off guard and under the influence of perhaps a bit too much alcohol, it's the best I can come up with.

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