59 - Thank you

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Derek's reading one of my books on my bed when I get out of the shower. Romeo and Juliet. I found it at the market a while ago, but I actually haven't gotten round to reading it yet. I don't really have to, we studied Shakespeare so diligently in school, I know half the thing by heart.

'These violent delights have violent ends', I say as I make him pull up his knees so I can sit down on the bed. 'And in their triumph die, like fire and powder.'

Derek looks at me over the edge of the book.

'Are you having a stroke?'

'It's in the book.'

'Oh. Didn't get to that part yet.'

'I like that part.'

'Mind if I borrow it?'

'Go ahead. But I wouldn't bother with it. It doesn't end well.'

'Spoiler', he says angrily.

'Sorry', I smile, resting my chin on his knee. He puts the book away on my bed side table and looks at me.

'Are you feeling better, Pierce?'

'A bit less hysterical, anyway.'

'Progress', he says, raising an eyebrow. I smile at him. Then, a little hesitantly, I push his knees away so I can lie down next to him. He doesn't protest and opens his arm for me to crawl under.

'If you want to read something really nice, you should try our nation's other pride. Harry Potter', I tell him.

'I've read Harry Potter.'

'You have?' I ask, raising my head in surprise. 'Did you like it?'

'Of course I liked it. What do you take me for, some sort of muggle?'

I laugh and lean back against his arm again.

'I knew there was a reason I liked you.'

'So you like me?' he asks, turning his face to me. I look down at his mouth, one corner raised in half a smile. He's so close to me.

'Yes', I say softly. 'At least, when you're not telling me I smell or something.'

Derek smiles and his eyes twinkle when he looks at me. Slowly, he comes closer. Until his lips touch mine very carefully. My heart flutters as I take in the feel of his mouth on mine. I don't mind the way it feels. I don't mind at all.

I adjust myself a little bit and slide my hand over his chest and his neck. He runs his hand gingerly over my leg and onto my waist while we open our mouths and let our tongues meet. It's not the first time we kissed, but it kind of feels like it. That time at the party is so long ago. And everything feels so different now. He kisses me softly, sweetly, almost like he's afraid to hurt me. I grab his shoulder and pull him a little closer to show him that I won't break so easily. But just as he presses his lips more firmly onto mine, there's a loud knock on the door and we jump apart like we're two teenagers who just got caught.

I look at the door and back at Derek and laugh a little embarrassed.

'It's probably Alex or something. After the scene I caused they'll want to know if I'm allright.'

'Shouldn't keep him waiting', he says, smiling at me. He has such a sweet smile. I kiss him shortly one more time before I get up from the bed to open the door. Derek quickly gets off the bed as well and stands in the middle of the room kind of awkwardly.

'Hey, feeling better?' Alex asks, coming into the room with Max, Katarina, Priya and the kids in his wake. They must have met up together after work.

'Yes, much better', I reassure him.

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