14 - What does he want now?

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I curse under my breath. I need a damn break, what does he want now? Pamela looks at me with wide eyes and wrings her hands together in nervous excitement. I doubt Negan makes regular visits to the laundry room. He whistles while he pushes hanging laundry out of his way to join us.

'Good afternoon, sir', Pam says, dropping to her knee. 'What a pleasure to see you here.'

I raise an eyebrow at her display of adoration, but quickly change my features into a smile when Negan's face appears between the laundry. Then I swallow before I surrender my pride and drop to one knee.

'The pleasure is all mine, Pamela. You look lovely as always. How are you liking the new help I got you?'

I forget where I'm supposed to look. Should I look at him when he's talking, or should I keep my eyes down? I look sideways at Pam. She's got her face turned to the ground, but I can still see her eyes twinkle at Negan's compliment.

'I really appreciate it, sir. She has a lot to learn, but don't you worry about that, I will get her up to speed in no time.'

A lot to learn? I scoff, but turn it into a cough halfway through so as not to seem rude. Still, I'm offended, I feel like I did more work than her this morning, since I'm not the one babbling away all the time.

Negan laughs. 'We can't all be as capable as you, Pam. Now that would be something, We'd have this place running like a motherfucker. But if anyone can teach her, it's you sweetheart. Now get up from the floor.'

I look at Pam again. She gets up from the ground and looks at Negan with glowing eyes. Does she have a crush on him or something?

'Give me your point book', he says to Pam.

Excited, she turns around to grab it from her bag and hands it to Negan.

'You've been working so hard these weeks, have yourself a nice little extra for lunch today. It's on me.' He scrabbles something in her book. Jody already explained to me on the way here that a supervisor notes down how many points you've earned and signs it. When you spend them, that gets registered as well.

'Thank you so much, sir', Pam squeaks a little breathlessly. 'You are too generous.'

I can't see his face, but I see him raise his hand in a casual gesture.

'You deserve it. Now run down to the cafeteria before all the good stuff's gone. I need to talk to the new girl for a moment, but I'll have her back here on time, okay?'

Pam looks back at me. I can see a hint of jealousy in her eyes at this private rendezvous with her idol. I'm sure she'll ask me all about it when we get back.

'Yes, sir, thank you again. Be sure to come done here whenever you want, we love to see you here!'

Negan chuckles while she scurries to the doorway. I'm still on the ground, getting a little uncomfortable with my knees on the cold surface. Negan whistles a little, waiting for Pam to get out of ear shot. Then he takes a couple of steps and pauses in front of me. I'm reminded of the night we were brought in. I was on my knees then too. His boots and knees were the first thing I saw of him.

'You've been paying attention! I was worried I'd have to go through more trouble to get you down on your knees for me.'

'Kenny told us the rules', I tell him, ignoring the obvious innuendo.

'And a fine job he did too. How are you liking laundry? Getting along with old Pam?'

'It's great', I say shortly. He's keeping me on my knees on purpose and it's annoying. 'Is that what you wanted to talk me about?'

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