72 - We're going to end this

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I make it back to the Hilltop without any trouble. When I get there, Priya and the kids swarm the car immediately. Looks like they've been on the look-out for me.

'Are you all right?' Priya asks before I even get out of the car.

'Yes, I'm fine', I assure her.

'Did you ask him about tío Alex?' Carmen asks impatiently. The kids have been very worried about their uncle, of course. 'And Nik and Katarina?'

'I did, and they're all right. Mostly. I don't want you to worry, but Negan said that uncle Alex broke his leg.'

'Oh no!' Carmen exclaims.

'What happened?' Miguel asks.

'I'm not sure. It happened somewhere in the chaos when the Sanctuary was attacked. But your uncle's tough, guys, he'll be just fine. They're taking care of him.'

'What about my mom?' Samantha asks. She's everywhere Carmen is these days, the two have become best friends.

'Your mom...' I stumble. My words catch in my throat as I look into her big, worried eyes. I can't bear to tell her that Jody isn't all right at all. 'She's... she's fine too', I lie unconvincingly. But it's enough to fool a 7-year-old. My heart stings when I see her face break into a relieved smile. I have to look away and I catch Priya's eyes, who frowns at me. I'll tell her later. With everything going on I don't think I can handle telling a child her mother might be dying.

'You're back', Michonne greets me with a smile, making her way over to us.

'I am', I smile back.

'Will you come inside and report back to everyone?'

I nod and follow her to the large house. Priya and the kids come along too, but they'll be making their way back to Max, Kieran and the other children.

'What's wrong with Jody?' Priya asks me quietly as the kids storm ahead.

'He said she got bit during the attack', I tell her quickly. 'In her arm. They amputated, but... she's not doing well.'

'My God...' Priya mutters, her eyes on Samantha who's chasing Carmen into the large hall of the Hilltop mansion.

'I couldn't tell her...'

'You were right not to. She might pull through. Jody's tough as nails. No need to worry the kid.'

I smile at her and grab her hand shortly before I follow Michonne the other way. I can only hope that Priya's right. Michonne and I enter the office where Maggie's discussing something with Jesus, Ezekiel and Carol. I'm a little relieved that Daryl isn't there after our altercation. But Rick isn't there either and that surprises me. They all look up in suspense when we enter.

'So, will you tell us what happened?' Michonne asks, sounding hopeful. I hate to be the one to crush those hopes.

'Isn't Rick here?' I ask, postponing the moment a little longer.

'No', Michonne answers. 'He went out to catch the Saviors that escaped last night.'

Catch them? I wonder what that entails. Is he going to kill them? Michonne looks like she doesn't quite agree with it. But apparently she wasn't able to stop him.

'We'll fill him in', Maggie says. I nod.

'I'm afraid it was a bust', I tell them, deciding it's probably best to rip the band aid off quickly. 'He wasn't interested in your demands.'

The faces around me turn bitter with disappointment and Maggie hits the desk angrily.

'Then why the hell did he set this up?' she asks agitatedly.

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