73 - Together

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The next morning we watch the people of Alexandria, the Kingdom and the Hilltop get ready to take out Negan. We stay out of the way and sit outside with some of the Saviors that stayed behind. We are not with the Sanctuary anymore. But we aren't with these people either. We're floating somewhere in between.

'I'm kinda glad Alex broke his leg', Max says suddenly as we watch Rick and the others go over their plans in the distance.

'How so?' I ask surprised.

'I was worried that Negan would make him fight. At least now that's not an option. He'll be at the Sanctuary, not posing a threat to anybody. He'll be safe.'

'Yeah, I guess you're right', I say, but I'm not so sure. From what I've heard, they're hoping to catch Negan outside of the Sanctuary. So they won't bring the fight there. But is anyone really safe? What will they do to everyone on Negan's side? And even if they take down Negan, will the rest of the Sanctuary surrender, or will there be someone waiting to take over and continue the fight?

Suddenly Ricks walks over and we all tense up a little. To my dismay he stops in front of me.

'You got a moment?' he asks.

'Um, sure.'

Kieran, who's talking to Alden a couple of feet away, looks over worriedly and starts to come our way. But I gesture to him to stay put. Whatever Rick wants now, I'll handle it myself. I follow him in silence for a little while, as he leads us away to a quieter place. Finally he stops and turns to me with his hands on his sides.

'I didn't get to thank you for talking to Negan', he says, surprising me.

'Oh. Yeah, well, no problem', I say a little awkwardly.

'I mean it. I appreciate that you tried to convince him to end things peacefully.'

'I want this to end as much as you do. I just don't want anyone else to get hurt.'

'I know', Rick says, shaking his head a little. 'Michonne told me what you said. You're worried about your friends. I want you to know that it is not our intention to hurt the workers and the families at the Sanctuary. It never was.'

'But they did get hurt', I say quietly, thinking about Alex's broken leg. About Jody... Rick looks away for a moment, seeming a little uncomfortable.

'It will be different this time', he says. 'The fight won't be at the Sanctuary. And when this is over, we will find a way to live together.'

'You mean when Negan is dead?' I ask, trying to keep my voice as neutral as possible. Rick turns his eyes back to me and looks at me intently.

'Negan has to die.'

I just let my gaze drop. All of these people seem to be convinced that death is the only option.

'But nobody else has to', Rick continues. 'If they surrender.'

'Okay', I say unconvinced. 'I hope they do.'

Rick nods and looks away into the distance again. His eyes are red. I wonder if he's slept at all since Carl died.

'Michonne also said that she offered you a place at Alexandria. She thinks you're good people. And I'm not dumb enough to question someone smarter than me.'

I smile shortly.

'So I wanted you to know that I agree. You and your friends, the kids, you are welcome at Alexandria. When this is over.'

When this is over... That's what everybody keeps talking about. But will it really be over soon? We can only hope. And do we really want to stay with these people? The man standing before me is planning to kill today. To kill a man that I cared about. Still care about... Even if I don't want to.

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