66 - Did you miss me?

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TW: Violence

After a while, the car comes to a stop. We're on a road between two large open fields. I'm guessing they picked the spot so there's no places anyone can hide for an ambush. Daryl and Rosita exchange glances before they get out of the car.

'Any sign of danger, we get the hell out of here', Rosita says.

'Any sign of danger, I kill the assholes', Daryl responds before he gets out of the car. Rosita gets out too and opens the door to take me out of the car as well. Once we're outside, I see they're already there. Not Negan himself, I suppose it's too risky. No, it's my favourite person from the Sanctuary.

'Hello, hello', Simon yells through a megaphone. 'Good to see you on this fine afternoon.'

He's accompanied by five other Saviors. I don't recognize any of them. Not at this distance anyway. They're standing quite far away, out of shooting range. Hence, the megaphones. They've left one for us on the road too. Daryl picks it up.

'Where's Gabriel?' he asks through the megaphone. Rosita holds me by my arm and keeps her gun pointed at me. I can't say it even bothers me much at this point.

'What, not in the mood for pleasantries?' Simon responds. Then he signals to one of the Saviors who opens one of the cars and takes someone out. Maybe I don't see it right from the distance, but I'm pretty sure he's wearing a priest's outfit.

'Here's your guy', he continues. 'Alive and well. Now send the girl over and he'll stay that way.'

'You think we're gonna let her walk first so you can take off? Send Gabriel over, then you get the girl.'

On the other side of the road, Simon laughs and slaps his hand onto Gabriel's shoulder.

'Listen, Daryl, I'll be honest with you. I'll be happy to take my new pal Gabriel back with me and let you keep blondie over there. I don't think the priest and I have shared more than 10 words yet, but I already like him better than her. Frankly, she's a pain in my ass. So if you want to be difficult, just let me know and we can keep this real short.'

'You two don't get along?' Rosita asks me.

'He's a fucking psychopath', I mumble. She glances at me for a second before she looks back at the Saviors in front of us. I'm not sure what I see in her eyes. A little hesitation, maybe?

'She'll walk to the middle and wait there', Daryl proposes. 'Then you send Gabriel. When he's in the middle, they both go on. If she goes any further before that, we shoot her in the back.'

'Sounds like a plan', Simon responds. Daryl turns to me.

'When I yell 'stop', you stop, got that? Don't try anything.'

'I won't.' Rosita lets go of my arm and I stare at Simon across the distance. I don't want to go anywhere with that creep. But at least I'll see Alex, Kat, Nikolai and Jody again. And hopefully Kieran. I need to know if they're all okay. When I hesitate too long, Daryl nudges me.

'Go on.'

I turn to look at him for a moment before I go.

'I'm sorry for what he put you through.' Then I turn to Rosita. 'Both of you.'

And I walk. I can feel their eyes on my back and see the eyes of the Saviors on me too. As I get closer, I notice their hostage doesn't look too well. He look sick. When I'm about halfway there, Daryl yells for me to stop and I do as he says. Simon nods and shoves Gabriel forward, giving him leave to go too. I frown as he gets closer. He really does look sick.

Finally he halts in front of me when Simon yells for him to stop too. We just kind of stare at each other. He's squinting like he can't see properly and he's sweating profusely.

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