71 - If you'll allow it

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'I'm sorry about Daryl', Michonne says. 'He shouldn't have talked to you like that.'

'It's fine', I say, a little reluctantly. 'I did see how they treated him. I understand why he'd feel this way.'

'Still, it wasn't your fault.'

'No. But I guess he was right about what he said. We all saw what was happening, but we didn't try to do anything. I mean, we didn't agree with it. At all. That's why wanted to leave. But... we didn't do anything.'

'Do you think you could have done anything? To change things?' Michonne asks.

'I don't know', I sigh. Could I have? I suppose I did tell Negan I didn't agree with the way he handled things. That didn't change anything. Sherry's the one who took action. She let Daryl go. But of course, she couldn't stay after that. I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have left my friends behind or risked them getting punished just by association.

'You tried to warn us that Negan was coming', Michonne says. 'And you stopped the attack at the Hilltop. I'd say you've done plenty.'

She takes her eyes off the road to smile at me for a moment and I smile back. I haven't really made up my mind about Rick yet, but Michonne really does seem like a decent person. I decide to take the moment to tell her something.

'I've been wanting to say...' I say a little hesitantly. 'How very sorry I am about Carl. I heard what happened.'

Michonne's smile falters and her face hardens.

'Thank you', she says.

'Priya and Max told me he was the one that got everyone out of Alexandria safely when Negan attacked. And that he was adamant about keeping them and the children safe too. I owe him a lot.'

A sad smile returns to her face as she watches the road.

'We all do. Carl wanted all the violence to stop. He wanted a better world, in which we could all live together.'

'Do you think that's possible?'

'I hope so.'

'Me too.'

I can see the pile of mattresses appearing in the distance. It's still there, although the pile is significantly smaller and there are scattered mattresses here and there. Michonne parks the car right next to it and reaches for something in her pocket. It's a letter.

'Carl wrote letters. To me, Rick, everyone he cared about. And... he wrote one to Negan.'

'Really?' I ask surprised. She nods.

'I've read it. He asks for peace. I don't know if it will make a difference. But will you give it to him?'

'Of course', I say softly, taking the letter from her. Then we both get out of the car.

'Will you be able to find your way back?' she asks as I get into the driver's seat.

'I think so.'

'Good. Stay safe.'

'Thanks', I smile at her. 'You too.'

Then I close the door and take a breath to steady my nerves. It's time to meet Negan.


Fortunately, memory kicks in as I make my way to the storage building and I manage to find it quite easily. Only I don't get there entirely, because when I'm about 5 minutes away, the road is blocked. It must be him. Two Saviors step out of the trees and approach me with their guns raised. I only know them vaguely by face. They motion for me to get out of the car, so I do.

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