34 - Thank me properly

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TW: Sexual content

Negan leads me towards an old bar in silence.

'I checked it, it's clear', he says, opening the door for me.

'Aren't we going to the art store?' I ask.

'I thought you could use a moment', he says, pushing me towards a bar stool. 'Or a drink?'

I smile at him. The encounter with the crazy guy did leave me shaken. After all this time, I still haven't gotten used to things like that.

'I'd like a martini, if you have it?' I joke as Negan steps behind the bar.

He laughs. 'I'm afraid we're all out of martinis, but we do have...' he rummages through the cabinets and comes up with a bottle of gin. But then he turns it around and watches the last drips fall to the floor. 'Absolutely nothing.'

'Shit', I say, disappointed. 'But at least the barman's cute.'

Negan smiles and leans on the bar, bringing his face close to mine. Then his features turn serious.

'You can't let these things bother you so much.'

I shrug. 'I can't help it', I say quietly.

'That man lost his mind a long time ago. We just put him out of his misery.'

'You're right', I say unconvinced. Yes, he was clearly crazy. But that's just what this world does to you, isn't it? He must have been a normal man once. With people he cared about and people that cared about him. Negan shakes his head a little as he looks at me.

'You are too sw-'

'Too sweet for this world?' I finish his sentence, a little annoyed. 'No, I'm not. I'm still here, aren't I?'

He gets off the bar to stretch his back and sighs. 'Yes, you are', he says, kind of like he doesn't understand how that's possible. But then he smiles. 'And so am I, thanks to you. You and that bow saved my damn life, sweetheart.'

'Yes', I say, getting off of my stool to join him behind the bar. 'How did that happen?' I ask mockingly. 'I thought you could take care of yourself.'

'I thought he was a fucking walker, caught me by surprise', he says. 'What are you doing?'

I took a piece of cloth from the bar and raised it to his face to get rid of the blood, but he throws a dirty look at the rag and backs away.

'You're covered in blood.'

'That thing is disgusting.' He takes it from my hand and throws it to the floor. Annoyed, my eyes follow it to the ground, but then my face lits up.

'What is it?' Negan asks.

I bend down and grab a tiny bottle of liquor from beneath a cabinet. I spotted its end sticking out next to the rag.

'It's full!' I say excitedly. I twist the lid off and smell it. It smells of spices and alcohol. Negan looks on smiling as I take a sip of it and sigh satisfied.

'That does make me feel better.'

I offer him the bottle, but he shakes his head.

'You take it. You've earned it.'

Since it's only a small bottle, I don't argue and take another sip. It tastes good as it slides down my throat. To my surprise, Negan suddenly takes his jacket off.

'What are you doing?'

He grins as he raises his shirt to his face, exposing his muscular torso.

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