63 - What are we supposed to do with you?

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They tie our hands together and put us in cars to take us to Alexandria. They put all us adults in different cars so we don't get a chance to talk about what the hell we're going to do. Carmen is in a car with me, which is a relief, but my anxiety is through the roof because I don't know what's happening with Derek, Max, Miguel, Priya and the baby and the other children. When we're finally there, I'm relieved to see everyone got there safe and unharmed.

But once we're at Alexandria, they separate the adults from Priya and the kids. They're herded into a house, which isn't an easy task with all the children being in a panic, and Derek and me, Max and Sylvia are taken to a sort of cell in an unfinished building. After they put us in there, they leave us alone. Max is freaking out and Sylvia has been glaring at me ever since she woke up. I guess she didn't particularly appreciate me knocking her out back in the woods. I race to Derek the second we're alone, wishing I could hold him, but unfortunately that's impossible with my hands on my back. Still, it's a comfort to be close to him.

'What happened to your neck?' he asks, looking at me concerned.

'What do you mean?'

'It's bruised.'

'Oh.' With everything, I'd almost forgotten about Simon trying to strangle me. 'Simon. It doesn't matter right now.'

'Are you okay?'

'No', I say desperately. 'What are they going to do to us?'

'You don't have to worry', Derek says, pressing his shoulder against mine. 'I won't let them hurt you.'

I scoff, remembering how Kieran said something similar when we were brought to the Sanctuary. Men always seem to think they're in control even when everything is falling apart. Well, not every man. Max has lost all remblance of control.

'They're going to kill us', he says, pushing himself into a corner of the room. Or cell, whatever you want to call it. 'I'll never see Alex again.'

Tears are streaming down his face and I look at him worriedly. I want to say something to comfort him, but what if he's right? We don't know what these people will do, they've already killed dozens of us. Fortunately, Derek manages to remain calm.

'They're not gonna kill you, Max. You and Lara never did a thing against them, I'll tell them.'

'What about me?' Sylvia asks, speaking for the first time since we got here. 'And you, Derek? You think they won't put a bullet through two Saviors?'

'I don't know', he says. 'But we surrendered. They have us here unarmed and harmless, they don't have to kill us.'

Sylvia scoffs and shakes her head, once again glaring at me. 'I didn't surrender.'

Then there's the sound of a door opening and we all stand alert. A group of people appears on the other side of the bars. I recognize Rick and Carl. And Daryl, of course, who I've seen being dragged around the Sanctuary by Dwight. Then there's an intimidating-looking woman with dreads, carrying a katana. I believe that's Rick's wife or girlfriend. A middle-aged woman with short, grey hair and two younger dark-haired women I don't recognize. None of them look at us very friendly.

They don't say anything yet, but just seem to observe us. My heart is in my throat and I doubt they'll answer any questions, but I have to know.

'Where are the children?' I ask in a trembling voice. Derek looks at me sharply, signalling at me to be quiet. The eyes of the Alexandrians turn to me too. They stay on their side of the bars. Fortunately, they do grand me an answer.

'The children are fine', Rick says. 'They won't be harmed. We have them in one of the houses, they're being guarded.'

'Good', I respond quietly. I'm not sure they hear it. Then Derek clears his throat.

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