29 - Wanna do me a favor?

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Negan walks me to my hallway before he turns back around to meet the people they found. When I reach my room I try to enter as quietly as possible, hoping I won't wake Alex. He doesn't make a sound so I think I'm good. I quickly change into my sleeping outfit before I walk over to the bed. It's very dark, so I reach out my hand to feel where he is and he's lying completely on the edge of the bed. The bed is against the wall, so I either have to climb over him or crawl in from the rear end. I decide to go to the back of the bed, thinking I'll be less likely to wake him up.

So I place my knee on the bed where it should be empty with Alex lying on the edge, but to my surprise my knee immediately makes contact with another body.

'Ouch!' someone yells out in surprise.

'I jump back in surprise, quickly getting off the bed again.

'Whasgoingon?' a sleepy voice chimes in.

'Alex?' I ask.

'Oh Jesus, Lara?' he responds.

I can hear rustling as he moves himself into a sitting position.

'Oh my God', the first voice says. I think I recognize it now.

'Max?' I ask.

'Yes, hi Lara. Oh my God, I'm so sorry, I'll get out of your bed.'

'No, no, stay in', I say quickly, feeling embarrassed about evading their privacy.

'Fuck, sorry Lara, I didn't think you were coming back', Alex says, flicking on a lamp on the night stand beside the bed. Both men appear before me and I can't help but laugh awkwardly as Max tries to pull up the covers to hide himself and Alex looks at me with the wild eyes he always has when he just wakes up.

'I am so sorry', Max says. 'I came over here and when you weren't here by curfew, we thought, you know... I'll just go to my room so you can take your bed.'

He's starting to get up but I quickly stop him with a gesture.

'No, seriously, stay', I tell him again. 'You were right, I spent the night with... somewhere else', I say, quickly changing my sentence. Although I realise he must know where I was. 'You guys have every right to spend the night together.' I suddenly realize that Alex has probably refrained from spending nights with Max because of me. Because he knows I don't sleep well alone. They spend a lot of time together but he always comes back to our room so we can sleep together. He's never mentioned that he'd like to sleep with Max, but of course he does. I'm such an idiot, I should have told him to do that ages ago.

'I'll get out of here, I can just crash with Pri for a couple of hours, it's close to morning anyway. You two stay here, don't feel bad, I'll talk to you tomorrow, okay?'

I back out of the room quickly so they can't argue and make my way over to the other side of the hallway. Kat and Nik are sleeping soundly so they don't hear me when I open the door to Priya's room and take the empty bed. Her and the baby are both sleeping too. After all the excitement, I struggle to fall asleep again, so when the baby starts to cry a couple hours later I get up with Priya to take care of her. So much for sleeping in on Saturday.


A couple hours later we're all having breakfast together. Sleepy, but awake. I sit down with Alex and Max so we can talk about what happened.

'So, I'm thinking maybe we should talk about our sleeping arrangements', I say.

'Again, I'm so sorry', Max says, still feeling awkward about the whole thing. 'If we had known you were coming back, we would have never...'

'No, don't feel bad about it. I wanted to say that I completely understand that you guys want to sleep together. It's entirely unfair of me that I've been keeping Alex to myself all this time.'

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