▪︎■ 05 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

Mr. Bianchi sat in the seat across from mine, the desk the only thing seperating us. I read through the contract again and looked up as he began to speak.
"I need more. I can't trust you when the only thing you would lose are just a few millions," he simply said.

"Just," I murmured so that only I could understand, shaking my head by the absurdity of his words. My younger, poor self would shoot herself after hearing that.

If only he knew I would lose literally everything, but I couldn't tell him about my daughter. He would assume things about my life... Would come to conclusions that would break his trust and in the end my neck.

I breathed in and out, trying to calm myself down. Nevertheless, I arched an eyebrow and peeked over the edge of the paper.

As embarassing as it was- I was desperate. I would rather die than risk Erlina's life, so keeping my ego out of this was a choice not even up to discussion. Even if it teared me apart.

"Fine," I said.

He looked at me, calculating.

"I'll give you access to my connections and men. Until we get Jiménez and therefore our contract ends. I expect the same from you to avoid any kind of betrayal. All in."

"All in," he repeated, shaking his head once.
I did not trust this man. At all. To be fair, this was generally not his fault in particular.

A voice in the back of my head told me, that he would fuck me over as soon as I wrote my name on the contract... Well, I did it anyway. While I let my pen slide across the paper, I felt his haunting gaze on me that began to burn into my skin. I certainly felt ashamed while I took a look at the signature.

Relying on a made man... You really should be ashamed of yourself. Betraying yourself and your principles like that...

It stung. It really did.

He held out his hand. I narrowed my eyes but took it anyway. With the simple gesture, the alliance was official.

"Let's kill this bastard, Ms. Moreno."


"Thanks to my incredible work, we know where Jiménez is currently hiding. I mean... partly. We partly know where he's hiding," Miguel said, starting enthusiactically, but already losing his optimism halfway in, after the first sentence.

"Please tell me you didn't make a Power Point presentation... That's highly inappropriate, Miguel."

"This shit took me three hours- inappropriate my ass!"

Bianchi sat there, watching the shit show without any emotion showing.
Great, there goes my last spark of honor.

"Just start and shut up, dios mio!" I snapped.

"Of course boss, if you say so... Well, Jiménez must have sucked Iwanow's dick or something because he is in contact with the russians now. Unfortunately, he could be anywhere."

The man gestured towards the map that showed up on the screen.

"Focus on Iwanow and their relationship... There must be some sort of agreement."

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