▪︎■ 18 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

I entered my walk-in closet, searched for a longsleeve and a pair of joggers to wear for myself. After, I took a look at a few clothes women had left here before after spending the night in my bed. I thought about giving them to her but decided against it.

She's not like them to me, she shouldn't be wearing their clothes. She's not a fling to me. Besides that, she would probably kill me for it tomorrow.

After I found something that could fit her from my own wardrobe, I returned to the bathroom.

She hugged the toilette and was once again shaking. A picture that reminded me of smilar evenings I had to spend with my mother. I placed the clothes onto the side of the sink and knelt down behind her. I noticed a hair tie on her wrist and reached out to get it.

"What are you-," she tried to ask but had to throw up again.
"Shh," I reassured her. My hands carefully grabbed her hair and made a low ponytail out of her black hair.
When she turned around, I noticed new stains on her shirt. She must have known that I saw them, according to the way her face went red in embarassment.

"I really want to shower..." Her pronounciation was still sloppy and the way her nose crunched together was somehow even cuter.

I took a deep breath, thinking about the next steps.

"Okay, do you need any help?"

Her face displayed her stubbornness. "No!"

I nodded, actually feeling relieved. "You can use the products in the shower, there are towels and I already got you some clothes. If you want-"

I stopped after I saw her trying to get up but failing miserably. The woman cursed under her breath.

"Okay... maybe I does-... do need help." Ms. Moreno looked up at me through her lashes. Again, I knelt down to her after I grabbed the cloth. I cleaned her mouth and carefully wiped away the black mascara stains under her eyes with the clean side of the towel.

My eyes met hers and I grabbed her shoulders to steady her. "You're still drunk. You can't consent to me helping you shower and I'm not going to take advantage of you, or get myself yelled at toworrow- when we're at it right now..."

She laughed quietly and met my eyes with a painful expression. Her laugh died down and she just sniffled with tears streaming down her cheeks. She didn't even bother to wipe them away or hide her emotions like I expected her to.

"Come on, don't cry. What did I do?" I asked.

A sad smile made it's way onto her face. "Nothing, you were perfect... I will shower alone, I think I will manage. But... please stay."

My heart clenched slightly but I tried to smile. "I can't do that, Ms. Moreno."

She seamed kind of touched over my answer. Suddenly, she plunged towards me and hugged my body, almost making me fall back.

"I'm sorry, dios... I needed this... You can call me Ainara, you know? ONLY for today, though!"

I chuckled but stopped when she lifted her head to look at me, face to face. "I love your laugh... love, laugh, love... that sounds fucking weird... like a middle aged woman... live, laugh, love..."

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