▪︎■ 34 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

I panicked, badly. The thoughts were racing inside my head.

Did I hurt her? Did she regret it? Was it something I said? Something I did? Was it the only thing she wanted? To fuck and run away? Why was she crying? Was there another secret? Did it have something to do with her wanting to keep her clothes on?

Her breathing normalised after a few minutes. It was crazy to me to think about the fact that I wanted to stay with her, even after this kind of reaction. The kind, that would usually make me want to run from commitment because it meant work and communication. I never knew somebody I wanted to learn these things for. Until now. But if I liked it or not: I couldn't avoid the thoughts that told me I sucked at this.

I most likely did. I had no references for a healthy relationship at all, so how could I? But I wanted to learn and to work for it.

"What's going on, Nara?"

"I panicked," she admitted.

I smiled lightly, reassuring, now knowing I wasn't the only one that struggled with all this.

"Why? What was the trigger?" I wanted to understand her, in order to avoid these triggers in the future.

"The degradation, Adrin." Her eyes darted to the floor then back up to me.

Immediately I felt guilty.

Fuck. You asshole. You treated her like shit... You should've asked if she was okay with it. You motherfucker. you should be in hell to use her like this.

"God, Nara, I'm so sorry. I should've asked... I have no excuse..." I let my hand run over my face.

"It's not that you didn't ask specifically. I didn't know either, that this was going to make me cry... I guess... I guess it reminded me of something which wasn't nearly as pleasant. Those flashbacks made me sentimental."

My heart dropped and my earlier premonition returned immediately. Was she abused? May god have mercy on the fucker if that's true.

"What did they do? Who did it?" I heard myself say with an unfamiliar voice. It sounded dangerously calm, thirsty for blood and so... possessive. Her brows rose, showing me that she was surprised as well.

"It doesn't matter what they did, Adrin."

They. Plural.

"Ainara Moreno, of course it matters. Everyone that dared to lay a hand on you without consent should die a painful death while begging you for mercy- rightfully so."

She gulped and my gaze softened. "Trust me, please."
She met my eyes and the time seamed to stretch forever.

"The relationship between Gutiérrez and I wasn't healthy in the slightest. And Emilio... Emilio made sure I stayed with him."

I closed my eyes for a second and tried to keep the rage inside. I wanted to kill Gutiérrez. Again and again. Pity that bastard wasn't alive anymore to make him feel what I felt right now.

I wanted nothing more than to ask her about the details because I knew there was more to it, but for her sake I let it be. It was a big proof of her trust any way.

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