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▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

I was dizzy, I knew I didn't have much time left and I was clutching at my last hope. I looked around helplessly, praying that my men would just walk out the door, disarm the assholes, and have a happy ending for us just like in all those movies.

Emilio had obviously noticed my searching look because he grinned in that cruelsome way again.

"They won't come. No one will come to save you. You have finally, truly lost," he said it with pleasure. It was too obvious how much satisfaction he felt about it.

So he had thought of that as well... There was nothing left that could get us to win. Either way we would lose something or everything.

My heart felt heavy and my gaze slid to Erlina, who was trying to stop the tears with red and swollen, closed eyes. It crushed my soul.

"I have a better idea," Miguel began, voice firm and ominous, "I've known Ainara long enough now to know that her daughter is her weak point... She would do ANYTHING for her. I am sure you will be causing her far more pain by letting Erlina live instead and by making her-" he paused a little, taking his eyes off Emilio and finding mine instead, "work for you. Just like Ainara once did. That is it- that's her biggest fear for Erlina. That she has to experience the same as her."

I stared at him, he stared back. His eyebrows rose provocatively and his expression was unbearably smug. I should have shot that motherfucker ages ago... That fucking asshole. How dare he?! How could he make that disgusting suggestion to Emilio?!

"You dirty piece of shit!" I screamed in anger and desperation. "You won't touch her! I will fucking kill you!"

I would have preferred not to do this, because Emilio looked at me with a grin. He was clearly more than satisfied with my reaction.

"Bravo Miguel, that's the kind of creativity I want to see!"

He gestured to one of his men to remove my daughter from the scene. Her eyes widened and she hyperventilated when one of the Russians grabbed her violently, much too roughly, and dragged her along.

Shit, what's this all about?

I should have killed that rat much sooner. The damage he had done...

With the last of my strength, I wrenched myself from my enemy's clutch and stumbled up to my feet with trembling legs. Just as I tried to run after her, I was stopped by two strong arms. The grip was familiar and yet I resisted it. I had only one goal: Erlina. Even Adrin couldn't keep me from it.

I stared at him in disbelief after my head snapped towards him. His eyes were pleading, desperate, and filled with sadness and guilt.

"I can't lose her!" I choked out.
"And I can't lose you. You are my home," he pleaded, his voice cracking, cupping my face in his hands.

He wiped the tears from my eyes with his finger, but before I could answer anything, I heard Emilio's voice again and was separated from Adrin another time. Once again kneeling.

"Touching. Very touching. Miguel, take the gun. Shoot them. Both. With that you can prove to me that you deserve to be my right-hand man."

Miguel gave Emilio a glance and drew his gun while he dead-panned. With a click the safety clip was off.

"NO! Miguel, don't!" I screamed while trying to get back to Adrin. It was of no use anyway, Ivanov was dead and so was our best chance, but there had to be another chance to rescue Erlina. There had to be and I wanted nothing more than to find it.

We couldn't take a bullet now and meet the end, if there was still a tiny chance. This time, however, it was over.

I stared wide-eyed at Miguel and his gun and with a loud bang he fired the gun once. I saw Adrin drop to the ground, lifeless.

I screamed, as if it could change anything. When my heart had shattered before, now was the moment it bursted. There was no chance, I had only been trying to convince myself of that was inevitable.

One simple moment. A second ago he was alive, he had dreams, plans, people that loved him. A second after and his life was extinguished.

My failure tasted bitter on my tongue with a slight metallic nouance to it. Blood. I stared at the blood that seethed out of my lover's body while numbness consumed me.


With my eyes fixed on my lover, I knew I would follow him wherever he went.
The last thing I saw was Adrin and the last thing I heard was the second time I heard the gun go off.

Even before the second bullet pierced through my body fully, I fell. Deeper and deeper into the dark nothing.

I saw my whole life flash in front of my eyes, just in tiny bits. Distant voices from long gone times echoed from an unknown place.

"I fought so long but I can't ignore it anymore...
I want to continue whatever this is... I don't know what exactly it is I'm feeling but I've never experienced this before."

"Okay. I want... to give us a chance to see where this is leading us."
"Me too, love."

"You... You should leave..."
"You don't really expect me to leave you, crying, after we had sex, do you? At the very least I won't leave until I know you're okay..."

"That's a lot of 'if's, don't you agree? You don't have to do this alone, love. I'm here. I believe in you- as a woman and as a mother."

"Just breathe. Breathe with me, only focus on that now."

"Whatever Emilio said, we'll get through it, Nara.
I won't go away. I will stay right here. It's too late for you to safe me. You know why? Because I've already fallen."

"When this is all over... I want to disappear. I don't think I can do this any longer... I'm sick and tired of this shit and I can't picture myself doing it one day longer than necessary."
"I'm in. I couldn't think of something better and there's nothing keeping me here... You deserve some peace."

"I'm sure you will find your home."
"You're my home..."

"Tell me every mistake, every terrible thing you ever did, and let me love you, anyway."

"You will get your chance to kill him a hundred times and more, angel. And I will help you, if you let me."

"You need something, Bianchi?"
"You, always,"

"Be careful. Okay?" "You too."

"There is no other or better chance. Don't worry too much, amore. We will finally get him."

"Adrin... I love you."
"You love me?"
"I love you, Adrin."
"I love you, too, amore."

I always thought I would die with nothing but horrible memories of pain and trauma, but the only ones I saw were exactly what I thought I would never have; full of love. So in my very last moments I did what brought me the closest to an happy ending that I had ever been. I loved.

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