▪︎■ 31 ■▪︎

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Feel free to blast the song while reading... Let's make all the damn waiting worth it xx 😫 two hands on the device y'all 📸👺


▪︎■ Ainara Moreno ■▪︎

'I wish I hated you...' He doesn't?

"Nonesense. You say this but can't even look me in the eyes?" I say, hurt but at the same time mocking him for the obvious excuse.

"Why would I?!" he answered.

"Why don't you?" I provoked.

"I can't!" He yelled. I heard the peak of his frustration through his voice. As for my reaction I only shook my head.

"You can't? Why?! This is just stupid...-You know what... Nevermind, forget it. Fuck this shit."

I heard a frustrated groan coming from him. Then I saw him next to me. He grabbed my neck and made me stand up while he pulled me towards him with his other hand on my waist. There it was again- cold metal rings. His grip was firm but not bruising. It felt like he saw no other way to stop me from leaving him other than to grab me physically.

My eyes widened. It were moments like these that usually made panic rise inside me, instantly making me want to kill. Fight or flight. Instead of pure panic, I felt slightly uncomfortable and nevertheless a little nervous with his hand on my throat when he was obviously upset. But there was something else. Something entirely unique. A feeling, which I never felt with anyone else's hand around my neck. Maybe, because the intentions were different; these men wanted to hurt me, they abused me, belittled me. Wanted to get rid of me.

I knew those weren't his intentions, which sounded somehow stupid to a part of me, because I had every right to just not trust him.

"Are you going to hurt me?" I asked calmly, referring to his grip.

Now it was his turn to widen his eyes in... shock? His hand immediately left my skin. He looked like he just made the biggest mistake. Guilt and shame were the most prominent emotions in his eyes and right then all the uncomfortable feelings vanished.

"No, of course not." He answered lowly but clearly, looking at me to underline his statement.

"Why did you grab my throat then?" I asked.

He gulped. "I didn't want you to go and I feared that my intentions- through my words, would come out wrong once again..."

My heart fluttered. I was right. There was a difference. These other men wanted to get rid of me while he wanted me to stay. I remembered the first time he grabbed my throat. Back then, I wasn't sacred either. Even better- it had turned me on when he did it. My mind might have been paranoid but my body never had second thoughts about his intentions. Which was more than rare- it was the first time I trusted a man like this. So I already felt and knew how true his next words were.

"I could never hurt you, Ainara."
His voice was clear and strong again and this was probably the most honest thing he had ever said to me.

I arched my brows. "Why," I repeated my earlier question, "Why can't you? Why can't you look me in the eyes? Why can't you hurt me?"

Our breathing was fast, our bodies close. So close. I felt his hot breath on my face. His lips were parted slightly and his now narrowed eyes made me fold as if I weren't angry right then and there.

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