House Alarm

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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, injury, worry about kidnapping, and possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

"It's alright Sebastian, we are basically alone in this area."

He kept looking around, then he turned to face me and gave me a smile, but I could tell that it was somewhat forced.

"I'm sorry Mistress, I just feel like I am being watched."

I stopped him and moved half in front of him, I put my hand under his shirt and ran my hand across his stomach, scratching it with my nails.

He whimpered; I knew that it was a sweet spot for him.

He turned and looked down at me.

"I like when you do that to me Mistress."

"I know Bastian, I love touching you."

I spread my hands across his stomach - and standing on my tip toes I kissed him. I enjoyed kissing him deeply, he was a natural - confidant but shy.

His tongue went across my lips as he begged for entrance. Opening my mouth his tongue started playing with mine.

He tasted so fucking good, I moved my head to the side and then I started kissing his throat, he looked up letting me bite and suck his skin, leaving love bites.

"Woah...the stars are so beautiful here."

I stopped my attack on his throat and looked up, we were far away from the light's of the city so the sky was clear.

"Yeah. I love it up here." Without warning I started to feel naturally tired, mostly because I had done a lot today and it was night and my body was telling me to sleep.

I walked behind him and taking his hand I pulled him back towards the house.

"Sorry to cut our walk short pet, but I am exhausted."

"Are you alright?"

I turned realizing that I was shocked by how worried, genuinely worried his voice sounded.

"Yeah I'm just come you are not tired?"

He started walking with me and looking down, I couldn't see in the dark but somehow, I knew he was blushing at this very moment.

"I'm just excited to be with you."

I giggled, I was pleased at that, we kept on walking and soon made it back to the end of the driveway leading down to the house.

"We have so much time together, and I am excited to be with you too."

It was then, walking back down to the house that I felt the same thing Sebastian had, it came out of nowhere but it was very primal and strong.

I felt like we were being watched by something or someone, I pulled him back into the house and shut and locked the door - doing my best not to show my worry.

I set the door alarm - that had monitors at every window and door in the house, something I normally didn't do but now that I had Sebastian with me it seemed like a good idea.

I turned to face him and his blue eyes looked at me with a bit of curiosity, he had felt my anxiety clearly, but I simply offered him a smile.

"So you have a choice tonight, you can sleep on the couch or on the spare mattress - you have behaved so I am giving you the option of sleeping next to me."

He wrapped his arms around himself, looking uncomfortable.

"Can I sleep with you, I know that with you I am safe but we are in a house in the middle of nowhere and I would like to be close to you."

I tilted my head at him, thinking what he was saying over because his tone of voice let me know that something was bothering him.

It hit me suddenly.

"That's a boundary for you then, you are used to living in the city where you are always close to people, so you have not lived rural have you?"

"No Mistress, being this remote makes me a little bit uncomfortable."

"It's understandable that it might be a little bit uncomfortable for you, so we will always sleep together."

I smiled at him and walking over I started to take off his shirt, he allowed me to.

"Let's get undressed and go to bed, you might want to wear an undershirt and your boxers, it can get a little cold late at night - or early morning here."

(4 AM)

I took a deep breath as I woke up, smiling I saw that Sebastian was asleep next to me, he was close but not touching me.

We had made out in bed for a little bit before we fell asleep, I had to show him that I was in control I didn't let it go past that.

He looked so serious when he slept.

It was cold and sitting up I went to grab a larger blanket to put over us when I saw a dark shadow pass the closed window curtains, we had lights on the outside of the house to it was clear someone was around my house.

My heart rate sped up and I looked over to the bedside table, seeing the gun there, I knew I had set the alarms and I would know instantly if someone tried to break in.

I narrowed my eyes feeling myself becoming territorial and protective.

Turning around I leaned over kissing Sebastian's cheek as I got up out of bed - putting the thicker blanket over him. He let out a sigh at suddenly being warmer.

I grabbed the gun and slowly, quietly and not turning on any lights I made my way to the living room, seeing if I could see who was walking around my house.

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now