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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Chris's Point of View ---

To say that was anxious all the while getting to where she would be the understatement of the decade not to put it lightly.

My heart was pounding alarmingly rough as I pulled up and got out of the car, seeing Sebastian standing there, he wouldn't have called me unless it was dire – and looking at his expression confirmed my worst fears, he looked as white as a ghost.

I walked up to him. "Where is she?"

"I called an ambulance, she was getting worse so I just decided to get her help, she is in the room."

He led me into the building and down the hall, when we got to the room my heart thudded in fear – sending adrenaline through my body that made me feel freezing.

She was on the bed and she was shivering and sweating, he had her uncovered – but she still looked like she was burning.

"Babe..." I ran up to her and gently shook her, fuck she was drenched in sweat.

"I've tired that, she seems to be exhausted and not really 'here' if you get what I mean."

I looked up at him, his expression had to be the same as mine, utter confusion and panic. "I have no idea what this is Seb."

"Neither do I."

It was in the distance getting closer, the sirens.

"I'll greet them."

"I'll stay with her." We said it at the same time, he left the room and I turned her over onto her back, gently moving her hair out of her, leaning down I kissed her on the lips.

"Baby please wake up, please." She let out a whimper and writhed a little bit, I looked her over, I couldn't see any real injury or anything that was clearly wrong with her.

The door burst open with a bang, Sebastain was talking to a guy who I was guessing worked at this motel – the paramedics surrounded the bed.

"You need to move and let us work on her." A guy grabbed me by my shoulders and moved me over, I had to fight my instinct to punch the guy trying to remove me from her, I was also bothered about other people touching her – utterly irrational I know but she was mine – and that was my baby she was carrying.

"She's pregnant." I shook myself back to the moment and looked over my shoulder at Seb, he was talking to a paramedic.

"Are you her boyfriend?" He asked.


I focused on her, they put in an IV and loaded her onto a gurney, taking her out.

I started to follow out the door but Sebastian put his hand on my shoulder.

"They told me where they are taking her, we should let them do their job, we can leave in a moment – you need to calm down you are hyper ventilating, I promise that we will be right behind her."

"What is wrong with her?" I did the best to calm my breathing, because he was right I was so fucking close to hyperventilating.

"They don't know, they think an infection or something like that."

I watched helpless as they took her away, it was something that I wasn't used to feeling – helpless and out of control.

"Hey Chris..."

I looked at Seb shocked, his eyes were wide.

"You need to pull yourself together, for her, please focus."

I felt myself start to come back down to earth, as if it was a switch I was able to focus.

"Come on, I want to talk to the doctor, we will take my car." I was happy he didn't fight me and decided to do the smart thing and follow behind me.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

I was going in and out of consciousness, I was half away that I was in an ambulance. I felt like I was in a room with fog – kind of wandering around.

"Was that...I feel like I must have been hallucinating - did we just run into Sebastin Stan and fucking Chris Evans?"

"No you were not hallucinating – but I understand the sentiment, I thought I was losing it for a moment."

"Who the fuck is she – a sibling of one of them?"

"Sebastain gave me her ID, I don't think there is any relation."

I knew that this conversation by the paramedics would be making me alarmed but my brain was to fuzzy. Where was Sebastian?   

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now