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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

I watched as he stripped down slowly, I looked closely at him, my breath hitched when I saw that he was thinner, way thinner than he was before.

I wondered if it was possible to lose that much weight in so little relative time. "Have you been eating Bastian?"

He looked up at me shocked at the question, then he looked down as if thinking things over.

"Not very much Mistress, not since the accident...do you not like what you see?"

Now that question shocked me, and my heart pulsed painfully at the insecurity of his tone of voice. "No my beautiful pet, I love what I see and to be honest how you look in low on this list of things that I care about." I walked forward and gently pushed him down on the bed.

"Put you hands above your head..."

He obeyed instantly, I felt myself start to pound hard at how he obeyed.

I wouldn't let it show to him, but I was deeply conflicted at the moment, because of how Chris made me feel, yes I knew I could use the safe word "RED" to stop things – Chris would obey and respect that - but the way he was with me, sure I was a dominant but he is an ALPHA dominant.

I loved it, I am a dominant, and this just showed that I could clearly be a switch, having someone take control like that – it's something that I hadn't really had time to comprehend, or even want to at his time, I would have to look deep inside myself to understand that.

Reaching up I ran my hands down his chest – all the way down to his hips and pelvic bone, using my nails to gently leave red marks down his chest – not breaking the skin but irritating it a little bit.

"Mistress..." He whimpered.

"Remember your safety colors... tell them to me Pet."

"R...red means stop, yellow means ease up and green means all is alright."

"Good boy you are such a good boy."

I moved and straddled his waist, before I put his hands above his head, he lifted up his head and he put his hand on my lower stomach.

"Hey... how is she? Is she making you sick in the morning?"

I felt my heart instantly thudded painfully, I felt the tears start to come but I had to fight them back, because this was it, even with Chris being with me I felt so alone.

But having Sebastian ask the innocent question about our daughter, and worrying if I am comfortable. I gulped, happy that it was his baby I was carrying at a moment, I had a feeling that he would be a wonderful father, very sweet and loving.

He was looking at my round belly, rubbing his hand against it with a clear look of adoration, leaning his head back down and looked up at me, putting his arms up again.

His blue eyes were soft, there was nothing but pure submission behind them, I knew in that moment that he had surrendered to me deeply.

Reaching forward I grabbed his wrists and using one hand I pinned his arms above his head. He let out a moan of pleasure, he struggled a little but gave up after a moment.

Before his mouth could close, I leaned down and kissed him, using that moment to deepen this kiss, with a delightful whimper our tongues played with one another.

After a moment of kisses, I let his arms go and he wrapped them around me, I pulled my lips back from his.

"I have missed this, I missed you." I declared.

"Will you let me, have you?" I asked.

Sebastian let out a sob, and I pulled myself up by my arm, looking down at him, he wrapped his arms around myself.

"I'm...I'm not ready, not after seeing you with Chris...I.."

You couldn't blame him, you knew that seeing that must have hurt him deeply, you didn't have a clear answer as to why you did it or who you wanted to be with more.

"Shhh, I understand and it's okay, I would never do anything without your permission. Can I at least sleep next to you, you can cuddle me and our daughter..."

"I would like that."

We both maneuvered until I was mostly naked under the covers, he held me against him one arm under my head and the other around my waist holding onto my tiny baby bump.

I was still awake when I felt his breathing slow down and he feel asleep holding me.

I snuggled against him, still deeply conflicted, I enjoyed this, I felt like this is where I was supposed to be, but I also felt like being with Chris was also where I was supposed to be, I was so deeply conflicted that I fell into a rough sleep.

--- Chris's Point of View ---

I sat at the kitchen table of her house sipping some coffee, I knew she had gone to him, and I wasn't going to stop her.

I had dominated her the best way that I know how, I had felt in her body language that she submitted, she was conflicted, she had to be.

But I wasn't going to keep her from the father of her unborn child.

I knew that I just had to be patient, she would come back to me in a little while, and I would be more than ready for her.

I was in a fight now, a fight for her very heart. 

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now