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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – lot's or red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

{The Next Day}

We had a long and rough night, at sometimes in the morning my stomach started hurting, I thought it was just indigestion but Chris kind of lost his shit.

After a while he had called a car round and picked us up, I insisted he didn't but he got a private doctor to look me over.

So that is why I am currently on a chair in a hospital gown waiting for an ultrasound of my baby, I looked up at and saw Chris biting his thumbnail and looking worried.

I was going to try and reassure him that I think everything was fine but the doctor came into the room.

"Hello...Mr. Evans... he looked at me and smiled, he seemed to ignore Chris and sat down next to me smiling.

"So you are having a little bit of pain?" As he said this he unbuttoned my gown showing my belly and then put the cold jelly on my stomach, he then pulled out the wand and turned the screen to me, Chris sat beside me.

"Let's see what is going on."

I jumped a little when he put the wand on my belly, Chris gently held me down and I looked as he ran the wand over my stomach.

"Ah, there it is..."

It was that moment that I saw my baby, it was clearly on the screen, a tiny thing. Tears came instantly and without warning. The doctor and Chris looked at me, I could tell by there expressions that they thought that I was just excited and emotional.

I said nothing, but that wasn't it.

That was far from what I was thinking, I wasn't at all excited.

I was crushed, and in pain, and felt so betrayed.

The baby was real, and right in front of me, and Sebastian should have fucking been here. He was missing seeing our baby, he should be the one holding me not Chris.

I felt Chris put his hand on my head, I looked over at him, he gave me a soft look, our eyes connected and I suddenly saw worry in his blue ones.

He was reading my expression.

"I think the pain is just growing pains as it where – your body is adjusting to make room from the little one. Would you two like a printout of the baby?"

"Yes...then could you give us a moment alone."

"Sure thing Mr. Evans." On the side of the computer, he printed it out and handed it to Chris who took it, turning off everything he walked out of the room and you were left alone with Chris.

"Baby you need to breath, take it easy, talk to me."

"He should be here Chris...he should have seen this."

"I know, I know, I'm so sorry, I'm here for you..."

It was then that he set the print out on my stomach, I watched as he pulled out his cell phone and took a picture. I narrowed my eyes at him as he started typing.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm sending this to Sebastian." He said, he didn't ask, you turned your head and took a few deep breaths before picking up the picture, you looked at the little thing.

"Hi..." You muttered, rubbing your lower belly.

--- Sebastian's Point of View ---

"I hated that you were gone so long, you were ignoring my calls – I thought you had disappeared." Chase Crawford added, my girlfriend had invited more than a few of my Hollywood friends to see me.

We were talking and chatting, and it did feel good to be back in familiar surroundings, last night her and I had even spent a romantic night that ended in the bedroom. Oddly I didn't like being rough with her, I wondered if I could ask her if she would dominate me for once.

We were having a very nice party in her house and I did my best to put on a show of being carefree and happy – regardless of how I was really feeling.

It was then that I got a text message from Chris, I looked at my phone, he had sent a picture.

"I'll be right back, hold this..." I handed him my glass of wine and walked into the hallway.

Looking around I saw that I was alone and I opened up the message and looking back at me was a picture, it took me a moment to understand I was looking at a round little belly, and there was a picture.

I zoomed it and it took me more than a few moments to realize that it was an ultrasound, and that it was her ultrasound – our baby.

My back was pressed against the wall and I sunk down sitting in the hallway, running my hands though my hair and starring at the picture in shock.

That was OUR baby.

Holy shit. 

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