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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships – lot's or red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Sebastian's Point of View ---

"Sebby Baby..." My girlfriend greeted as I walked outside the airport, I smiled at her as she ran into my arms.

I hugged her and picked her up, she instantly moved around and kissed me deeply on the mouth, I kissed her back, she looked nice and smelled good.

It was good to be home, there was something about New York that was unlike anything that I normally go though.

She giggled and took my hand, leading me to a Taxi, we both got in, I hadn't even taken much with me when I ran from her, so I had moved lightly.

"Let's go back to my place baby, I am so happy that you are home." She gushed as we started driving down the street.

I was happy to be back some place where everything around me was familiar, it made my stomach settle and I didn't feel so out of place.

My girlfriend leaned against my shoulder, I looked down at her as she looked up at me, I put my finger under her delicate chin and moved her head up to make it easier to kiss me.

Suddenly I felt such immense guilt at leaving Kennedy like that, it was at this moment, in the car with my girlfriend that I realized that I would have to tell her some point about the baby, I mean, it wasn't like it was going to disappear or anything...

There was a searing burn in my brain and I put my head in my hands and let out a loud cry, startling both the driver and my girlfriend, my ears were ringing so I barely heard my girlfriend crying out my name.

Mercifully I blacked out a second later.

--- Chris's Point of View ---

"It's amazing how the visual effects of this movie hold up 20 years later or so."

"I know it's amazing." She nuzzled closely to me, I had spent so much time fucking her, touching her and pursuing her, this was one of the first times I had simply just been with her.

I found my hand wandering to her lower stomach, were the small bump of her belly was, I put my hand over it, she put her hand over mine.

I was startled to feel something wet drip on my upper arm, I moved her suddenly and with ease and saw that she was crying.


"I'm sorry, I'm supposed to be a strong dominant but I am scared."

"You are with me, you don't have to be a dominant with me, let me take control of this situation." I gently pushed her down on her back, slowly taking her shirt, pants and underwear off, she let me, looking to the side shyly.

I ran my hands down her naked body, the bump clearly sowing.

"Sebastian is so stupid...I never thought that pregnant women would be a kink for me..." I muttered, she let out a soft gasp and looked away as I leaned down and kissed her belly, I pulled her up and moved her, cuddling her as we laid down.

"Let's finish watching the movie, then bed, I'm tired."

"You're, you are not going to do anything to me?"

"No...you need some tender love and care, not being fucked into the couch, but I want to hold your plump pregnant little body."

She let out a giggle, it was a wonderful and loving sound, I couldn't see it but I knew that she was smiling, I was happy for it.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

I wasn't sure how to feel about anything that was going on, but I knew that I wanted both Chris and Sebastian, I was so scared to do this alone, I knew that Chris would be here for me, but I really wanted Sebastian.

Would he want anything to do with this child, I swear to god if he remembers, he's going to be really punished, I was shivering, more from emotion than temperate, and I found comfort in Chris holding me closer. 

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now