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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence.

Chapter contains elements of toxic relationships!

Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Sebastian's Point of View ---

I wasn't aware that I had fallen asleep until the dream came to me, hazy, and it almost felt like a memory.

I was knelling down on a mattress, I knew that I was blindfolded and I could just see shapes under it, and it felt like I had a dog collar on, I moved and heard the rattle of a chain, realizing that I was chained to the floor.

I heard someone came into the room, and I felt myself start to squirm.

"Mistress..." I whimpered, my voice sounding so scared, even to my own ears.

"You can call me Miss for now, and you can keep your money this time, I haven't accepted you and I'm not sure if I will."

I heard her walk over to me, her voice was so familiar that it was scary.

I took a deep breath in, knowing that I really should answer her.

"I understand Miss."

I shivered as she seemed to move around me, she was touching my body, it was almost as if she was inspecting me in some way.

I heard her turn on the lights.

"Miss..." My voice was somewhat alarmed.

"Shhh, it's okay my pet, do I have permission to you touch you.

"Y...yes..." I was suddenly anxious.

But I relaxed as I felt her hand caress my cheek, my thumb ran across his bottom lip, making me moan, I licked my thumb, I felt her mover her thumb down to my cleft chin.

She cupped my cheek against, running her hands though my hair, I loved the touch.

"Pet...what color are those eyes under this blindfold?"

I loved her voice, it was so soft and loving...

"Blue Miss..."

I woke up with a startle, I was in the Hospital bed, and I looked down at my girlfriend sleeping beside me, she was curled up against me.

I slowly moved and got up, wrapping the hospital gown over me I walked over to where my cell phone was, I needed to text Chris, I wanted to see the stranger. Why did that dream not feel like a dream – I don't remember it, but it feels like a memory.

A headache hit me like a brick and I ran to the bathroom, needing to vomit.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

Chris had made some kind of breakfast casserole, I made a move to sit down in a chair but with his hand gently on my collar he made me sit down in his lap., I was shocked at how easily I submitted to him.

He wrapped one of his arms around my waist.

I sat in his lap as he took a fork and started to help me eat.

This was shockingly difficult, letting him take control and feed me.

Mid bite his phone let out a sound of a text message, he put down the fork and still wrapped around my waist, l looked out the window as he looked at his text.

"Fuck." He muttered, leaning forward he kissed my shoulder.

"Sebastian wants to see you." He threw his phone on the table, and I felt my heart start stammering roughly.

"Are you, are you going to let him?"

I turned around and straddled his waist, he looked up at me, he seemed to be lost in through as he played with my collar, then leaned forward and kissed my jaw.

"Yes...I will give him this address; I gave you my word that I would try and reunite you two."

He looked away and I saw the sadness in his eyes, I put my hand on his cheek and made him face me, he looked at me and I leaned forward kissing him.

Things may be fucked up five ways between us, but I do care about him.

"I agreed that you would have a whole day, just us, give him the address tomorrow...I'm still hungry and I want to be with you today." I pouted, he smiled and turned me back around, and started feeding me again, kissing my upper back as he did so, it was submissive but oddly very intimate.

"Thank you." He muttered against my skin.

I wanted Sebastian to remember me, I wanted my submissive back, but...there was something between Chris and I, it was something that I needed to explore, and I would do that today, no more walls, I'm going to open myself up to Chris, let him see me for who I really am, and demand that he shows me who he really is. 

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now