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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence. The chapter contains elements of toxic relationships and cheating – lot's of red flags, so trigger warning for that. Please do not read if you have a problem with anything above.

--- Sebastian's Point of View ---

{24 Hour's Later}

I was driving in the SUV that I rented, I had done something on impulse, Kennedy had a purse that she always had, and when she wasn't looking, I put an AIRTAG in the bottom of it to track her.

I know I violated so many fucking laws, but I had a feeling that she would run, and I was right, as far as it was telling me, she was deep in the mountains at a camp site by a lake.

When I got there, I saw a large RV where the air tag was.

The sun was setting, I realized that I hadn't thought many things through because it was getting dark, there was a fire by the RV.

Getting up the courage I got out of the car and walked over to the fire.

I rounded a long way so I could approach from the other side, I gasped when I saw Chris there, my heart pounded at seeing him.

He looked up at me and he gave me a very passive look, by his expression it seemed as if he was expecting me.

We looked at one another for a long moment.

"I thought you might show up...well, have a seat Sebastian, do you want some tea? It herbal, I'm drinking it to calm my nerves."

I sat down and shook my head, he shrugged so nonchalantly.

"Where is she?"

"Asleep in the RV, she has cried many tears over you..."

He let out a sigh and looked up to the sky. "She loves you, more than she loves me I must admit."

I had some questions, about the two of them.

"Were the two of you dating before I met her?"

"No, and we are not dating, I started pursuing her hard when I followed you here, she is very compelling isn't she – yeah I fell for her as well, hard."

I let out a sigh and put my head in my hands shivering deeply. How had I never seen this, I was such an idiot.

"Sebastian you know me, you know that I am an asshole and when I want something I tend to do whatever I can to get it."

I looked up at him, I was crying, and I wasn't ashamed of my tears, there was nothing wrong with showing vulnerability.

"I'm sorry I have hurt you like this, it was never my intention."

"That's my baby growing in her Chris, I have contacted a lawyer about it."

Finally, his expression changed to one of shock.

"I guess you really don't know her, fuck she would never keep you from your daughter, do you really think she is that much of a monster? Has she ever hurt you?"

"She was with you, seeing you in bed together, THAT hurt." I growled at him, eyes narrowed.

"Yeah, but she was going to leave me for you – I could tell, then you didn't believe her when she told you about your relationship after you lost her memory, yes that tipped her in my direction, and I did push the subject. I admit that I used her sadness to pull her closer."

"You son of a bitch."

I got up, he got up setting down the tea and walked over to me.

"We are not going to fight, it's late, the drive back to Park City is long... I have two beds in the RV, I can tell you she would love to see you in the morning."

"Are you sleeping next to her, or am I?"

"I am, because seeing you might frighten her and that is not good for the baby...come on."

I was exhausted and tired, so reluctantly I followed him into the RV.

"Can I see her?"

He lead me to the back, turning on a side light. My heart pounded when I saw her, she was sleeping on top of the covers, wearing a nightdress and one of her hands was on her stomach. Guilt started to eat away at me.

"Where am I sleeping?" I asked, turning to face Chris.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

{The Next Morning}

I was woken up by Chris, he was rubbing my back, it took me a moment to get my bearings. I smiled up at him, when I saw him I blushed a little.

I had a break down when we got here, and he comforted me while I feel asleep, we hadn't slept together because it felt wrong, and the baby was giving me stomach trouble.

"I'm going to start making breakfast – you need to eat...also I have a treat for you."

"What kind of treat?"

With a smile I got out of the bed, he led me to the bunk bed that was just down the hall, slowly he opened the curtain, my heart pounded hard when I saw Sebastian sleeping there.

Worry started to fill me, did he kidnap him or something? In a moment as if realizing what I was thinking he cleared his throat.

"He showed up last night, I think the three of us need to sort some things out - together." 

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now