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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, possible trigger warning for some parts, drinking and swearing.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Your Point of View ---

I pulled away from him, he looked down at me, my breath was caught for a moment because I could see the stare that he was given me was one I had seen on screen.

"What?" I felt abnormally uncomfortable under this intense gaze.

"That kiss felt different."

My eyes darted up to where Chris had been, he was gone, Sebastian narrowed his eyes and turned and looked where I was looking.

My heart was beating so wildly in my chest, even thought I had seen that Chris was gone. He turned back his blue eyes confused; I gave him what I hoped was an easy look.

"How did that kiss feel different?"

I asked trying to distract him from whatever he was thinking.

"It was special, different."

I nodded. "I know what you mean...I like kissing you for the sake of kissing you."

I decided that it was better to focus on what we were doing, I showed him how to get eggs, and pull veggies, he was close and warm and it was nice doing this with him.

He carried the basket that I brough as we made our way back to the house.

He was getting more comfortable with me so he was talking freely, I enjoyed the sound of his voice and how being with him made me feel comfortable and safe.

It was a huge contrast between what was going on in the background of my mind.

I looking around trying to temper my anxiety, because I couldn't see where Chris was and that made me uneasy.

When we got back home I watched as Sebastian walked in before me, I focused on his ass and my eyes went up looking at his upper back, shoulders and arms.

I'm a warm blooded female, and a dominant – most of the time – and seeing that turned me on, walking forward I took the basket from him and set it on the counter.

I turned, fully intending on making him lay down on the floor while I ride him, when I saw his face, he looked exhausted.

Narrowing my eyes I walked forward.

"Is everything alright Bastian...you look off."

"It's okay mistress..."

I narrowed my eyes at him, yeah I didn't like him dodging the question like that.

"Pet, you need to be open and honest with me in all things, do you understand? Now I'll ask again, is everything alright."

"I just...I'm more tired than I normally am, the past few days have been, exciting and I haven't gotten must rest, at least not as much clean rest as I should be getting."

I let out a sigh, not because I was mad but because I knew what he was staying, I did a quick body check and realized I could use a nap as well.

"Let's get some rest, you can wear what you want to bed..."

I went into the bedroom and pulled out a long nightgown that was made of soft material and reached my feet on the ground.

I heard him next to me stripping down, when I turned I smiled to see him in his boxers.

"I like you without clothes..." I watched as he blushed like he usually did.

I pulled back the bedcovers and he did on his side, like we were a couple we got into bed, I moved my body up on the pillows and opened my arms, he curled into me and wrapped his arms around my waist, his head resting on my boobs.

I closed my eyes and gently rubbed his back doing my best to clear my mind.

I woke up later in the day, Sebastian was still asleep but now curled up against me, I knew instantly something was off.

Slowly I got up and went out into the living room.

I couldn't react when I felt a strong muscular arm wrap around my waist and another quickly go over my mouth.


Even with that small of words I knew that it was Chris.

"You look nice...I'm going to remove my hand, you don't want Sebastian knowing I'm here do you? So you are going to be a good girl and not scream right?"

Narrowing my eyes I nodded my head, slowly he removed his hand and then used it turn me around in his arms, so I was facing him now, flush up against him.

"How did you get in here?" I growled through clenched teeth, he smirked.

"You left the door open."

"That doesn't mean you can walk right in..." I protested, one of his hands lowered to grip my ass.

I let out a complete involuntary moan as he moved down and lifted my leg to wrap a little around his thigh. I looked forward and could see the tattoos just above the collar of his shirt.

"You are going to have to ask me to stop if you want this to stop, because I'm just going to take what I want as the point."

"We...you can't...Sebastian is in the other room."

"That's not telling me to stop, now be a good girl and kiss me like you did him."

He let my leg drop and put his hand to the back of my head, pulling my face forward his lips met mind, I moaned against his mouth he used the fact that my mouth was open to insert his tongue basically down my throat, I could taste the beer he clearly had been drinking.

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now