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Warning!! Chapter may contain consensual but rough sexual play, sexual submission, oral sex and extreme BDSM, sexual and physical violence, gun use and injury, possible uncomfortable situations, smoking, possible trigger warning for some parts.

Please do not read if you are uncomfortable with any of the above.

--- Kennedy's Point of View ---

I felt my blood run cold at seeing what he was doing, I couldn't help but shiver and try and calm my racing thoughts.

I pretended to smell my arm, and then forced myself to act surprised that I was smelling something, then I forced myself to shrug my shoulders.

"Ok now I smell what you do, huh, that's odd, my neighbor must have brushed up against me...they are wealthy but they like being here because it is quiet."

I rambled as I looked at him dead in the eye, I stopped talking thinking it would be better to just let my explanation play out.

There was skepticism in his eye at this, but I watched as it cleared, he wrapped his arms around myself and I could feel the discomfort coming off of him.

"Oh...ok, um...sorry can you...get it off of you. I...I'm sorry."

I tilted my head and looked at him shocked at the bold request.

"Uh... I guess I can shower it really that much of a problem?"

I watched as he moved uncomfortably, something in his emotions and his movements told me as much – he was hiding something, and it was making him uncomfortable.

"You don't have to tell me...but I could like you to, what is so wrong with me smelling like him?"

"We...we had a falling out."

I felt myself start to get interested, he hadn't said anything about that before, and Chris hadn't said anything, I waited, and he just looked at me with direct silence.

"I will go take a shower; I'll be right back pet."

"Thank you so much Mistress."

I turned and went into the bathroom, I stripped down and got into the shower, I took my time washing, trying to work out my feeling, after what felt like forever I stepped out of the shower and quickly dried off.

I put on some jeans and a sweatshirt as well as simple boots.

I walked back out into the front room, stopping in my tracks, there was Sebastian naked on the couch fast sleep.

Smiling I walked over to him and soothed over the hair of my sweet and loving pet.

I leaned down to kiss him on the cheek and then I stood up going to the kitchen, I looked outside and sitting just a ways down the wall, on a rock on the side of the hill.

Anger welled up in me, I had a handsome and wonderful pet in my house and this...and this other man was getting in the way.

I walked out of the house, leaving the door open and walking down the street, he slowly and languidly stood up and walked towards me.

I walked forward and pushed him against the chest, he stumbled back but got back his footing. 

"Chris you need to leave me alone...just go."

Shanking his head he smirked and walked right up to me.

He put his hand around my waist and pulled me to him, leaning down he put his lips to my hear, his breath going down my neck making me shutter with his hot breath.

"Then tell me you don't care for me... and I will go...tell me you don't want me...and I will go."


I moaned at his touch, I could feel how hard his cock was against me, as he kissed my throat. HIs very lips burned my skin.

"Do you think there is anywhere you and him can go that I will not follow you? I am yours now Kennedy...and no matter how much you fight it, you are now mine."

I sobbed.

"Come with me back to my RV...Sebastian is a big boy and he can take care of himself."

I couldn't move, but I didn't fight him as he picked me and carried me to his RV.

The Orchid House ♡-- Sebastian Stan BDSM/Male SubmissiveWhere stories live. Discover now