No One Special and No One Ordinary

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Cheyenne's P.O.V at Jaylen's House

"I brung my heat pad and your pills. He grabbed some snacks for you too." I said to his mother while she was laying in bed. She looked so sick and tired. I hated when people felt and looked bad. I always want to help. That's the main reason why I want to be an ER Physician.

"Thank you so much. Where would I be without you ?"

"Still being the best mom ever." I said with a small smile. I pulled the cover over her and walked out the room heading to Jaylen's. It was nearing to five but it wasn't as bright as it should be. I looked out the window and clouds are filling the sky.

"It rains too much for it to be summer but I like it so I don't care." I said more talking to myself.

"I like it because....."

He pulled me down onto the bed and snuggled into my side.

"It's perfect for cuddling." He continued.

"Aren't I supposed to be the small spoon ?" I questioned.

"Yeah." he paused." This feels weird." He said getting up. 

I leaned down and grabbed my laptop out of my bag without getting out of the bed. Lazy people things. I'm a pro at it. I pull up Tumblr and put on music from my phone with my headphones in my ears. Five minutes later here he goes pulling my headphones out my ear. Dickhead.

"What ?!" I asked half annoyed.

"Why don't you love me?" He asked with a baby voice and pouty face.

"Because you pull headphones out my ear and ask stupid questions." I said nonchalantly. He gasped. I laughed.

"I'm kidding. How can I not love my Cuddle Bun?" I said kissing his cheek multiple times making him laugh.

"But did you really want something?"

"Yes. For you to pay attention to me." He's such an attention seeking cry-baby. I sighed, closed my laptop, and put it down next to the bed. He should be honored that I got off Tumblr for him.

"What do you want to do Jaylen?"

"We can do whatever you want." Stupid fucker.

"If it was up to me, I'll be on Tumblr ! Now, what do you want to do?"

"Let's just talk."

"How about we go to the park ?"

"You just said it took like it's about to rain."

"So . That'll give me a reason to change into one of your hoodies that I will steal." I said getting up and pulling him out of bed. We put our shoes on and got in his car. I actually liked his car. It was a black cadillac CTS. I guess you could say we like Cadillacs.

I looked out the window and the whole sky was a dark grey. It would take a while to rain anyway. But regardless of how long it takes to rain I don't mind because I love rain. I would move to Seattle if it didn't seem like a boring place. 

We get to the park and of course, it's empty. But that's perfectly fine with me. 

"Okay, what do you want to talk about?" I said starting the conversation as we sat on a bench.

"I just want to get to know about you."

"Jaylen, we've been best friends for two years. What don't you know about me?"

"I don't know. Like what do you want in life ? How do you want to get proposed to ? Who do you get your personality from? What's your ethnicity?"

"In life, I just want to be happy and be a person that has a positive impact on someone's life. The way I want to get proposed to is in an unique, funny way. I want family and friends there. I don't want it to be all lovey dovey. I want them to give me a ring pop first and then give me the ring after the joke is over. I just want it to be funny. Something that I will always laugh at. As far as my personality, I think it's even. I get my temper from my Mom. And my anti-socialness and quietness from her too. I get most of my humor from my Dad but my Mom is funny too. She just has to get used to. I get my bluntness and careless attitude from my Dad. I'm actually surprised you didn't what I'm mixed with. But my Mom is black and native american. Cherokee to be exact. My Dad is Puerto Rican and white."

"Your Mom is definitely a woman of a few words. And that really explains your hair. Anything you want to know about me?"

"Nope. I know everything about you. Your favorite color is blue but certain shades. Not too light and not too dark. Your favorite color to wear is black and grey. You get looks from your mom and your personality from your mom. You're a very dominant person but you have your days when you're submissive. Especially when we argue. You're like me. You want to show that you won't be perceived as weak which you never are. I could go on all day but you know your personality. You're allergic to shellfish and pollen. You've had sex 2 times with the same girl. You've had two real relationships throughout freshman and sophomore year. The last time you were checked for a STD was two weeks ago. You're healthy and STD free. That's all I need to know. So if I missed something it doesn't even matter." I stated knowingly.

He had a small smirk of amusement on his face.

"So do you want to know anything else about me ?" I said kicking a rock that was by my foot. He took a short thoughtful pause.

"Why do you hate D.J so much ?" I seen this question coming. I hate explaining this story because I have explained it so many times.

"Knowing you want the full story I will start from the beginning. Back in the day I used to play baseball and you know that. I seen him there but we never talked. So seventh grade we became best friends and talked all summer long before eighth grade. So we're normal for the first two months. He called me something offensive and we stopped talking for a few days then we got back cool. Then we got into a big argument and we stopped talking for 6 months. During those 6 months I was depressed. Lydia got tired of it so she forced me talk to him. So we get back friends but he changed and started being all lovey dovey with me. So as you can figure we were in love with each other. So we were basically a couple and everybody knew in our crew back then but it was never official because every time someone would ask if we liked each other we would lie and be like no. " I paused just rethinking about that time in my life. 

"So graduation comes along and we barely talked that whole day because we didn't want to say goodbye. So everything was over and he walks away with some other girl holding hands and kissing her in front of my face.  And I was just so heart broken. And he's the reason I don't trust boys. I'm not blaming him because I always had trust issues just with people in general but he definitely made it worse." I explained playing with my fingers not even sure what I was thinking about.

"Do you still love him?"

"That's a hard question to answer. Regardless of whatever happened, it was my first love. I will always have love for him because he will always be the first person I've ever had a strong connection with. Am I still in love with him? Definitely not."

" You said you don't trust boys." He asked with hidden question in his tone.

"I don't trust too many people anyway. The only thing that's keeping me from completely trusting you is the fact that you're waiting. I don't believe any guy that can have sex at any moment will wait. Especially since you're not a virgin. " 

"What do I have to do to show you that I won't have sex with anybody else ? You know sex is not a major of a relationship."

"I honestly don't know. Just don't give me ammunition. And sex is. If I broke a relationship up into percents, 40% is love-10% is arguments-10% is dates- and 40% is sex. Because it can make or break a relationship. Have you not heard the song dick too bomb?"

He laughed and at the exact moment he did thunder crashed initiating the storm that was destined to come.

We started running to his car and the close we got his car the harder it started raining.

"Are you sure you can drive in this ?" I was pretty worried. I loved driving in the rain because it's scary and gives me an adrenaline rush. But that's only when I'm driving.

"Yeah. No one is really on the streets. And I'll just take the back ways."


Hello my darlings. This was just an insight to who Cheyenne is. Basically a fil in chapter about what happened between her and D.J. It's kind of hard to write this story on here because it's a spin off like I said before and you won't get some things but I'm trying my best. You will get another update not too long from now. Maybe within the next hour or so. Stay tuned. Bye Darlings. xx

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