The Party & The After Party

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"Everyone listen up." Matt yelled climbing on top of a table in his house getting the attendees attention.

"This is going to be a chilled party. No fights, no drama, no roofies, or any drugs for that matter. All the doors to bedrooms are locked. If you break something and no one confesses, everyone is putting in money to replace that object. There's no heavy alcohol like Vodka because teens tend to over do it at a party so if I see it or anything else, the party will be over.If I find someone wasted, I or one of my trusted friends will be driving you home. If you didn't tell your parents, you're going to suffer more than a hangover. My pool is off limits to people who are drinking. As a group, there are three strikes. After three strikes, the party is over. Now that we have the rules out of the way, the fun part. At 11:00, we are migrating to Cheyenne's house to barge into her parent's party. Now, we mUST PARTY !!" Matt yelled holding up his beer.

Everyone wooed and cheered and the party started. So far, people actually were obliging by Matt's rules. I only had two wine coolers and was still sober. I had a pretty high tolerance for alcohol which is rare for teens. I probably wouldn't be drunk til after my parents' party where they would probably be more drunk than me.

* 3 hours later*

"Everyone please calm down. Stop dancing. I will be here at the door checking how drunk you are and if you're wasted I will be calling you a cab." Matt shouted from the door.

Everyone were out of the house within 20 minutes later. He called a van cab because fifteen people were on the verge of having alcohol poisoning so Matt did something about it. We really were people who did things somewhat the right way and didn't want to be the hosts that didn't care about their attendees.

He put a large post-it-note on their forehead and it read:

'You're child went to my party and didn't party by my rules. If they didn't tell you, leave the curtains open and bag pans together to wake them up. That will go perfect with their hangover.'

Everyone else piled into their cars waiting on the time to leave. The whole block was filled with cars on each side waiting for me to lead the way in Danny's car. Matt flashed his lights behind me telling me to go and we were on the way to my house.

* At Cheyenne's House*

"Hips swinging, beers up, time to get super fucked up !" I yelled as we burst through the door with everybody behind me.

Since my parents were drunk, they cheered and so did their friends. My parents were the young cool kind by nature so their music and vibes were the same as ours.

As two in the morning rolled around, people were leaving. After everyone was out, we walked my parents up to their room and tucked them in making sure to give them water and making them pee. Because of that, their hangover shouldn't be that bad. I also left pills on their nightstand and buckets on each side of the bed.

It's crazy how the tables have turned other than the fact they've never done this for me because I don't drink that much for me to get drunk except for tonight. I know my limits. Or I like to think so.

The group and I picked up the trash but most of them were a little tipsy from drinking here so it was a sight to see. After we finished and we sobered up a bit, we went back to Matt's house that wasn't that far away.

*The Next Morning*

I got up slowly and close the blinds once I was able to see. I searched for my phone and found it under my bed. There was a lot of marshmallows under the bed which was very random and didn't make sense.

I was raising myself back up, I felt a lump with my foot. I slowly continued to lift myself and turned see that it wasn't just pillows but in fact a body.

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