Everything Was Fine

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You guys didn't comment or message me. Hard headed people ! I'm kidding but please because it will help me.


I threw my hands to my mouth in bewilderment, shocked at what just happened. They were scuffling on the floor shouting profanities before my dad walked through the already opened door.

"What the hell is going on?!" He said breaking them up. He pushed Daniel my way and Jaylen out the door, closing it behind him.

"Daniel, what the fuck was that?!" I shouted in hysterics. I couldn't believe what just happened. I would've never thought it would've went there so quickly over nothing.

"He needed to leave." He said fixing his clothes then walking back to the media room.

I stood there motionless with the same stunned expression on my face not sure what to do. My dad walked back in looking at me.

"You're lucky I know the situation or else your ass would be in a heap of trouble. "

I tried to respond but the words just weren't coming out. I guess he read my face and he calmed himself.

"Go talk to him. He said he won't leave without talking to you. I'll go and try to talk some sense into that fool in there." He said slightly pushing me out the way towards the door and him towards the room Daniel was in.

I opened the door slowly trying to catch my breath so I could return to my normal self. He was leaning against his car looking at the ground until he heard me slam the door. His head whipped up and started walking towards me. His face alone made me upset all over again and I wanted to mutilate his face.

"DON'T !!" I yelled putting my hand up when I seen he was starting to say something.

"You have ABSOLUTELY no right coming to my house and fighting him. What the hell is wrong with you ?!" I yelled at him.

"I'm sorry but I needed to see you. I need you to understand what happened." He said grabbing my arm with a little force. 

I snatched my arm away from him and pushed him away from me. He barely moved considering my build in comparison to his. He stood six feet and four inches tall while I stood an entire foot and two inches less than him.

"I don't want to understand what happened. All I need to understand is that you fucked one of my close friends and lied to my face about it. I can't believe after all this time you would lie to me like that. You're the biggest hypocrite I've ever met in my life. Don't talk to me. Don't come to my house again." I said on the verge of crying, turning around walking back to the house.

"No ! You can not do this to me. You know there's two sides to every story." He said crying pulling my arm again to stop me from walking.

"I can't do this to you ? Do you not know what you've done to me ? Jaylen there is nothing you can say that will ever justify what you did. Nothing ! So don't stand there telling me what I can and can not do to you. Right now I can't deal with seeing your face or hearing your name. It makes me sick. Get away from me." I snapped, snatching my arm away one last time before he let me walk back inside without him interfering.

I walked into the media room and only seen Daniel sitting there with the t.v turned off and watching the ground. He looked up and walked to me. He reached out his arms to hug me before I stepped back.

"Please don't." I said softly with my voice cracking.

"Please get out. "


"No ! I'm not mad at you right now I just need you to go." I said looking around him.

Without another word he walked out. I slid down the wall next to me and cried. So many things were running through my mind and I needed to get away from the thoughts. Pictures of the faces and moments that has taken place in the last two days were racing through a million times per millisecond causing me to have a migraine. 

I stood up and ran up the stairs to my room, grabbing my jacket and keys. I didn't know where I was going but I needed to get away. I yelled goodbye to my dad and ran to my truck. I hopped in and sped off to wherever I was headed. 

Four hours later, I found myself at the beach sitting by myself close enough to the shore where it barely reached me. My arms were folded over my legs that were hugged into my chest. The sun was about to set and my mind was still full of thoughts. How could it change from perfect to disastrous in the matter of 72 hours? I guess that's what you called life but why did it have to be put into effect right now when I was getting used to it being fine. I let out a loud sigh as a loud waved crashed reminding me of my surroundings.

In the corner of my eye, I seen someone sitting down next to me.

"I would rather be alone right now if you don't mind." I said never turning my head to look at the mystery person.

The mystery person however didn't move but just let out a content sigh in return.

"I know you understand English." I said getting mildly annoyed.

"I knew the badass would show some time soon." The mystery guy said.

I turned my head to look at him and I was shocked at what I found. 

"Carlos, what the hell are you doing here?" I asked slightly creeped out.


I don't even know what this chapter is even about because i just wrote with any destination. I know what's going to happen next but I have no clue why I even wrote this. This was the not the plan when I wrote the last chapter but I've now made a plan for next chapter based on this one so I guess it all worked out. I think this is all so bye my darlings. xx

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