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It's been a week since I've been in the hospital and if I must say, it was the most unproductive week of my life. Well other than the week I was in a coma but that doesn't matter right now.

Everyday someone was here trying to take care of me and it would get so crowded. It felt as if I was being suffocated. I needed to get out of this house this week even if it kills me. I hate how everyone is acting like I can't take care of myself. That's the hardest thing I've had to deal with, along with not lashing out on someone.

Carlos came every other day just to check up on me for a few minutes and other days he would stay longer. and Jaylen was here every second he could be considering the fact that he had so many practices and conditioning he had to attend. Daniel knew how much I hated people doing stuff for me so when he was here, we just chilled and that's what was keeping a little level headed.

Carlos would come and do the same thing but since he doesn't know me so he keeps trying to do every little thing for me and it is kind of annoying but it's from a good place so I can't really get mad at him for that.

Jaylen was somewhat perfect and imperfect at the same time. He was always here doing everything as far as my chores which annoyed me a lot because they were acting like my legs and arms were injured. Other than that, he's been fine. I noticed he was making an effort to be just best friends but I could also see how hard it was for him. That killed me a lot knowing I can't really do anything about it because I don't think I could date him again.

I was sitting in my room laying on my bed when Josh bust through my door.

"Josh !! What the absolute fuck ?! I almost had a heart attack!" I said holding my chest.

"I'm sorry. I just have news. Very big news. The news of all news. " He panted as if he was running before he charged inside my room.

"Okay. Sit down and catch your breath before you faint please." I said pulling him down next to me on my bed.

"Okay. I'm calm." He said once his breaths were returning to normal.

"So what is the news of all news?" I asked exaggerating and mocking him from a couple seconds ago.

"I know who was going to run into the back of your car." He said pausing.

"That was?"

"Jocelyn." He said with a fearful expression.

I looked straight ahead of me and laughed. Of course it would be her. She never could just let things go and I should've inferred that myself. I might be a small person and seem innocent but I'm a force to be reckoned with. She definitely didn't know where my family came from.

"Call a meeting please." I said to Josh nicely.

*20 minutes later*

"Alright people." I said with a smile because this is going to good. 

"Josh came running through my door with some very amusing, interesting, gratifying, comical, and delightful news. " I paused and looked at everyone's expression.

"And what news is worthy of all those adjectives?" Jamie asked.

"He found out who caused me to  be in the hospital. " I paused once again for dramatic effect.

"It was no other than the disgusting, hateful, vile, scandalous, nauseating, revolting, vulgar, and grotesque Jocelyn." I said pacing around the room.

They all had the looks of anger and straight up hatred and shock. I was sitting there nodding my head in agreement of how upset they are.

"I'm going to kill her." Jaylen said through gritted teeth and balling his fist up. I wanted to say that's not what you were saying when you were fucking her but I chose against it because now was not the time to be an asshole.

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