Wedding Day: Eulogy Part 3

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*4 years later*

"So how does it feel being a graduate and almost a wife in what..........15 hours?" My brother asked looking at his watch. We were standing outside my college after graduation. All the graduates were standing around and conversing with family and friends.

"It feels good I guess. I mean I'm happy I graduated and I'm getting married but it's more like waiting for it to be done so I know everything is going to go well. It's quite nerve wracking. " I explained while looking around at the atmosphere.

"Welp, in 15 hours we shall see how well it goes. Uhm, where are we going to eat?" He asked facing the rest of the peeps which included my immediate family.

"I wanna go eat sushi or something so let's find something that has that. I'll be right back. I"m going to go talk to Jaylen's parents and Josie." I said as I handed my brother my flowers.

As I walked there I seen Josie and Jaylen connected by their sides. We visited family as much as we could but I could understand why him and her were inseparable. She was used to seeing him everyday for her first three years then it changed and she video chatted every other day but in the flesh seen him several months apart. I noticed how it was taking a toll on him too. He was missing her grow into the young child she is now. I know being away from her was hard and I understand as almost an aunty figure to her.

"Hey Josie. Wanna go eat sushi with us?" I asked kneeling down to fix her dress. She shook her head yes and held my hand.

"You guys are welcome to come too if you want." I said looking at Angie, Josh, and Keith.

They agreed and walked with Josie to my parents so they know where to meet. I was actually glad that my parents and his were like best friends.  Angie and Keith were more like the best friends but whenever Josh was present, it was never an awkward dull moment. And I'm glad that Josh and Keith gets along so well. Made it easy on Jaylen and Angie.

"So soon to be wife, are you scared for tomorrow?" He asked after giving me quick peck as we walked along the garden trail nearby.

"Nope. More so nervous about what can go wrong. Are you scared?" I asked curious for his answer."No cold feet?" I shyly added.

"Not a bit. I don't care if it rains, if your dress gets ruined, or people be obnoxious drunks. I'm going to be fine knowing that I'm married to you." He said nonchalantly as we continued to walk.

"So are you going to tell me where we're going for our honeymoon slash graduation trip?"

"Nope. But ! I am going to tell you that their is going to be a bigger surprise than the actual place. You might just cry." He said being dramatic.

"Come on now. You know I do not cry that often. I cry every couple of months if that. Tomorrow will probably be the last day I cry for a couple of months."

"You'll see." He said as we continued walking.

*Wedding Morning*

"Jay !" I shouted for the millionth time while shoving Jaylen."Jaaaay !"

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