Deal or No Deal

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I'm pretty sure I broke at least three driving laws. I ran stop signs, red lights, and I was way past the thirty miles per hour speed limit. None of that mattered because I was focused on one thing in particular. Jaylen. If a cop was to catch me he would've had to follow me to Jaylen's house and waited until I had a conversation before giving me a ticket.

I hopped out the car and went to knock on the front door before I realized it was late. It was nearing midnight and I knew for a fact that Angie and Jo Jo was fast asleep. I walked around the side to see if Jaylen was up which he most likely would be. As I got to his window, I seen his t.v on playing his game. I knocked on his window scaring him a bit before he noticed me and that's when his expression change to a scorn.

He paused his game and walked to open the window. I climbed in and pulled the red bean bag chair in front of him as he ignored my presence.

"Stop it." I said looking at his feet playing with my fingers scared to make eye contact.

"Stop what? Acting like you're not here ? Is that bothering you?" He asked grimly.

"Jaylen really stop it. I understand you're feeling some emotion, but don't try to intentionally hurt me like that."

"Why should I give a damn? You seem to get a kick out of hurting me." He said pausing his game looking at me.

"You know for a fact that I wouldn't do that just to get back at you so stop thinking that. " I said trying to seem as unaffected as possible.

"That's what it seems like to me."

"It's not. You know I always thought it was supposed to be in the moment thing and you didn't know this but I've always said if I was to lose it early it would be to him so in my defense that's what happened."

"Is that all?" He asked completely ignoring what I was saying.

"Jaylen, please. I'm not going to put on my hard side right now but you're starting to hurt my feelings and you know how I get when people do that. So please." I said shakily.

I always hated having my guard down because people always hurt me that way. That's why I always have my witty comebacks and sarcastic comments. I never let anyone affect me and when I do have my guard down and someone is doing what he's doing now, I go back to putting my guard up. But when my feelings get hurt I get mean. Meaner than everyone has seen and probably could imagine so that's why I'm warning him.

"Fine. " He said tossing his controller behind him and falling on his back on his bed.

"I wanted to make sure you understood where I was. Don't think it was revenge or anything like that. And don't think it was because you weren't attractive either." I said. I heard a laugh when I said the last thing but I knew it was relief.

"Trust me, if we would've lasted longer in our relationship you would've had it in a month at the most. " I said not really registering what I was saying because I was too caught up in eye-fucking him to even care.

"Cheyenne !!" I heard Jaylen yell at me.

"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry." I said blushing in embarrassment.

He gave me the look like he knew what I was doing and he smiled that conceited smile of his. I couldn't get mad at his cockiness because he had the right to be.

"So do you forgive me, Boo Bear?" I said in a baby voice. That nickname was his nickname before we even were together in a non-friendship way.

"Yes. " He said smiling.

"Alright now walk me out." I said getting up and putting the bean bag back into its rightful place.

"Bye Cheyenne." He said softly as he leaned outside his front door.

"Bye Jaylen. Text me tomorrow." I said after landing a kiss on his cheek.

I waved right before closing my door and driving off.

*Back at home*

I sleepily walked back into my house and was surprised to see my parents and Danny talking in the front living room to my right. I suspiciously walked into the room and sat on the couch next to Danny.

"Why are you guys back so early?" I asked as I sat down being watchful.

"We heard that there was going to be a thunderstorm tomorrow so we decided to drive back today so we wouldn't have through that." My mom answered.

"And stop leaving people in our house. " My dad added.

"They nearly shot me ! You people are crazy." Daniel commented.

"We're not crazy, just psychologically advanced. And what do you expect from our family ? Do you not recall what happened in these past weeks ?" I said whispering the last part. My parent didn't quite know my scheme to get revenge on Jocelyn. They wouldn't be mad but I thought it wasn't a need to know thing.

"Whatever. " Danny mumbled.

We stayed downstairs for half an hour when my parents decided to go to sleep. I yawned as I watched them desert from the living room leaving me and him.

"Did you have a nice talk?" He asked bitterly.

"Yes. Can you get over it?" I asked just as bitter.


"Well you're going to have to."

"I'm not because you do the double standard shit. If it was me it would be a totally different story. And don't say that bullshit you said earlier. Technically I'm not a cheater neither." He said getting defensive.

"Technically not but emotionally you are. We weren't committed to each other but we were and you know that so don't play the technicality role on me."

"Whatever. Still don't like you being around him."

"That's not going to change so you better get used to it."

"That's so not fair. Alyssa was a close friend of mine too but I can't go to her house or talk to her everyday because you would flip out." He argued.

"Yes because I don't know her. Jaylen wouldn't make a move on me to jeopardize me and your relationship. I don't know how Alyssa is. She could be a man stealing hoe for all I know."

"I'm tired of you using that excuse. I'll give you her number and you're going to have a girls day with her so you can see she's not 'a man stealing hoe' but a nice down to earth girl."

"That's fine but you have to have a guys day with Jaylen. It doesn't have to be a one on one but you have to hang out and get to know him better than you already do."I bargained.

"Deal." He said shaking my hand.

******************************************************************************Another chapter update very quickly. Yeah, I know. The next chapter is going to be up very quickly also. I typed this one very quickly because I want to hurry up and get a part but I have to do like three chapters before I get there. You think this book has been wild, it's about to get wilder. Just know the most amazing group Wolf Mafia will be making another appearance. Stay tuned darlings ! xx

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