How Did You Get Like That? {WOLF MAFIA}

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"What do you mean that tried to kill Uncle C?" I said panicking as I watched my parents scatter around the house throwing things into suitcases. They moved swiftly across the house nearly running packing any and everything in sight.

"Look, we have to go. I understand you're only 15 but you need to work with me and toughen up."My dad paused looking at me as I was trying to calm down.

I was loss for words. I never seen them act this way. It was like the world has stopped, then resumed and everything had changed. My parents were no longer the parents I was used to. They seemed like people on a mission. They weren't sunshine and happiness. They were more lightning and thunder. I was never used to this type of vibe.

"Pack your most important things. Make sure you pack comfortable clothes. You're going to need to train." My mom said as she shoved a sports bag into my arms and slightly push me towards the stairs.

I ran up to my room and packed every pair of yoga pants and t-shirts I could fit inside. I didn't know what I was packing for but as I continued to watch them I knew this wasn't a time to ask questions. I packed my laptop and phone and was ready to go. 

I ran back downstairs and heard a gunshot sound off  from the front yard. I stopped immediately and couldn't move. I heard my parents yelling to come on but I couldn't. I was paralyzed from the sound of the gunshot. My dad came in and lifted me and ran to the car. He threw me in the back seat and we sped off.

I heard them speaking from the front while my mom was speeding and weaving through the cars on the road.It sounded very distant compared to my thoughts that were swarming through my head.  I was finally able to wrap my head around what happened. I was sucked back into reality and felt myself fly around the backseat.

"Can someone please explain what's going on?" I asked as I buckled my seatbelt.

"Look. Your mom's parents and my parents were both business partners and that's how we met. They were mixed up with some very rough people and ended up making a lot of people mad. When we were in our teenage years that came and told us what they were mixed up in and we were taught how to fight with these people. Their enemies came one day and tried to kill both of our families but of course they didn't succeed so now they're back. And sorry to break it to you like this, but history is repeating itself now." He said as my mom made an abrupt stop causing us to jerk forward.

"Why are we at Julie's house?" I asked confused as my dad stepped out.

"If they're after us that mean they're after all our close family members and all your friends. We have to take them with us for the time being." She said as she jumped out the car to help with the bags from Julie's mom into the trunk.

"Do you know what's going on?" Julie asked alarmed as she was pushed inside the car.

"Turns out our family is full of fucking goons and shit. Did people come to your house?" I questioned.

"Yeah, my mom told me to hide and I heard a couple gunshots." She answered.

My mom sped off with Julie's parents behind us. We stopped at Matt's and Jaylen's house and picked them up but this time they were acting casual like nothing was wrong. They jumped in the car and when they noticed that we were panicked, they began to ask questions.

"We'll explain once we get inside but for right now, keep your heads low and be quiet." My mom said as we pulled into a garage.

We got out and was walked into this  building but there was a hidden path to an underground place. We walked inside this room that was very similar to what a taekwondo gym would look like. They threw our bags against the wall and made us change into some working out attire and line up along the wall.

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