Out With The Old and In With The New

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"Wait!" I heard Jamie yell from the same spot.

I slowly turned around and stood still waiting for him to catch up but he went the opposite way. Him and Julie went inside then walked out with my bags. I totally forgot about those. Good thing they're here.

They finally reached me and then they interlocked their arms with mine and smiled.

"I love you guys." I said smiling widely. I know I should be crying and falling out but right now I felt normal and nearly numb to what just happened.


"Are you sure you don't want us to come home with you?" Julie asked concerned, for the millionth time since we've left the hotel.

"Yes. I don't want to ruin your trip."I smiled.

"My trip was ruined as soon as I found out honey. But if you want me to, I will stay."

"Thank you. Now you both promise me to not assault them while I'm gone."

"It's a little too late for that. You think we only when in there to get your bags?" Jamie said. "I never really liked her in the first place. I was only being nice because I didn't want to start drama."

"Well there goes that." I said sighing.

"Just take care of yourself." Julie commented.

"Flight 297 to Chicago is now boarding." A lady over the intercom shouted.

"Welp, that's me. Bye you guys." I said hugging them.

"Bye. We love you."

"Love you too." I said as I grabbed my carry on and walked to the boarding area.

When I got on the plane I felt relieved. Finally away from the whole world for two whole hours. This was exactly what I needed. The adrenaline was running thin by now and all the pain and soreness from fighting and my tattoo was trickling it's way to being present. 

I decided to fly in business class and this plan had the type where it could be converted into a bed and that's what I did. I waved the stewardess over and watched as she assembled the bed to be habitable. I placed my pillow down and threw the blanket over me prepared to be whisked away to dreamland.

"So you're stalking me now?" A voice interrupted.

I knew that voice immediately.

"Of course you would be on this plane." I mumbled rolling my eyes and sitting up straight.

"Don't think I'm stalking you because I'm not." He said putting his bag on the overhead compartment then sitting in the seat right next to me.

"Then may you please tell me how you went to New York and got on this same plane on the same day , sitting right next to me. It's a little too much of a coincidence if you ask me." I accused.

"I didn't even know you were in New York for starters. I was in New York looking at a potential college. I seen you, Julie, and some other dude but you never noticed me."

"Jamie. If you seen me why didn't you say hi ?"

"You looked upset. And based on the last time we seen each other, I didn't want to add to that. 

"And what exactly are you doing now?" I said sassily.

"Talking to an old friend." He said mocking my words from a few days ago.


"So why are you upset?" He asked getting straight to the point.

"Because Jaylen cheated on me with one of my closest friends and they both let me look stupid thinking everything kosher." I explained.

"Let me guess, you beat the shit out of them?" He responded knowingly.

"Pretty much."

We paused our conversation to get ready for takeoff and now the emotions were starting to kick in.  I was so emotionally exhausted just thinking about it for a few minutes. Anger fueled me then sadness did and it was an endless cycle of both. Disbelief for lack of better words.

"So back to our conversation."He said re-situating himself so we faced each other to properly hear each other.


"Why are you alone and why aren't you crying?"

"Because." I paused."We were on a trip and I didn't want to ruin everyone else's experience. And I have never cried over a boy. Never have. Never will." I said opening my cleaning bag for my tattoo and piercing.

"You never cried over me?" He asked shocked.

"Nope. What's the point? Everything is already done and my tears will not change it. I might cry from anger but not because I lost you."

"So how did you fight with a brand new tattoo?" He asked admiring my tattoo as I put a new bandage on.

"I don't feel pain when I'm that mad. Plus it wasn't much of a fight." I pointed out.

"Wish I was there to see you in action. I know as a cheerleader you have to have upper, lower, and core strength like motherfucker. Maybe Julie can tell me."

"No one was in the room. I told everyone to get out except him and Jocelyn. They only heard her gasping for air and pleading for me to stop. A lamp being broken, whip sounds, and phone being shattered on a wall." I said innocently.

"Always was a badass." He said with a small smile.

"I have a question for you." I stated.

"This should be good." He said rubbing his hands together.

"Why haven't you dated anyone since what happened between us?"

"How do you know that?"

"I did my homework."

"Well, if you must know. None of them interested me like you did." He dragged out.

I simply just nodded at the comment not having any emotion towards it. It just made me think a bit. 

After a few moments of silence between us, he broke it asking me about how I felt about what happened back in middle school. Putting that feeling into words was going to be complicated. So much feeling and not many words describe.

"It was the worst thing ever to happen to me. I was depressed and I'm not going to lie. It was like a void of emotion and it was like I was empty. I mean it wasn't like I just lost my first love. I lost my best friend too. I mean- I think it's just something you would have to grow through to understand."

"So when can we be best friends again? I already know what I want isn't going to happen but at least we can be friends."

"When you think it's okay for you to text me more often."

"I only didn't because you were in a relationship."

"Okay. I'm going to sleep."

"Good night Cheyenne."

"Good night Daniel."

"You called me by my real name." He said trying to compose his big smile.

"Don't flatter yourself. I just missed my best friend."

"I missed you too."

"I know. " I said laying down falling asleep with a smile.


There you are ! You finally got D.J's real name. Daniel. This was a little Cheyenne and Daniel action and no this was not the kicker. It's about get crazier in the next chapter. I will update soon and you will see. Bye my lovelies !! xx

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