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Cradling a box in his arms, Zhan was trying to walk as fast as he could into the silent night. The streets were mostly empty, only a handful of people walking around and a few heads did turn in Zhan's direction which was okay. Anyone would turn their head seeing a lunatic running around at night holding a box bigger than he could handle. Zhan couldn't blame anyone for judging him. He would have sprinted across the street in his superhuman wolf speed if he wasn't worried about messing up the cake. Why was he running? Easy. He was late! Horribly late and he could imagine the dark eyes he loved, narrowing and flashing a bright golden in displeasure. He was going to get an earful tonight. Zhan could feel it. He eyed his phone and his lips parted on a gasp as he looked at the time. Yibo was going to flip a switch and Zhan was going to suffer like he always did.

Wang Yibo had always had a single rule for Xiao Zhan. "Never get out of my sight for more than an hour." The rule did sound unreasonable to people at first but Zhan didn't really mind following it. Why would he? He loved Yibo. The over the top rule just gave him a reason to stay around the man he loved and Zhan was no fool to complain about it. But, Zhan had had the misfortune of making Wang Yibo angry on a few occasions and it was never a good thing. Yibo wasn't a man who talked much anyways and when Yibo got angry...he got really quiet. As in mute. It took a lot more than a million apologies and a billion promises to get into Yibo's list of favorite people again if you pissed him off. It was an absolute nightmare for Zhan who couldn't do anything without the man. He only had Yibo in this world. Wang Yibo was his friend, his family and his true mate. The mating urge had not hit either of them but Zhan knew that Yibo was the other half of his soul. He had known it the moment he had realised what a true mate was.

Zhan eyed his phone again and his brows furrowed when he saw there was nothing on it from Yibo. No message. No phone calls. In normal circumstances, Yibo would have called him no less than a hundred times by now. Maybe he was really angry. Zhan cursed lowly and his walk turned into a jog. Zhan had gone to get Yibo a present and a cake. It was Yibo's twenty first birthday and Zhan had been saving money to buy Yibo something. He had finally found something his Yibo would like but unfortunately, too late. He had told Yibo he would be back in an hour. He had taken three. The mall was a good distance from their shelter and Zhan didn't have a car. He should have asked someone from the shelter to drive him but he had been too excited. Now that excitement was going to get him kicked in the ass. Holding onto the cake in a death grip, Zhan scurried off towards the shelter and breathed out a sigh of relief at the sight of the familiar street light near it. Panting like a dog, Zhan walked nearer to the shelter but the exhaustion couldn't tear the smile off his face. Zhan was excited to know what Yibo would think of the present and he was ecstatic to celebrate Yibo's birthday with him. They were practically attached at the hip most days but Zhan made sure to make some days special for Yibo. For orphans like him and Yibo, life was already full of bad memories. Zhan was just trying to steal some moments of bliss for him and Yibo.

He was still breathing heavily when suddenly the gates to the shelter opened and Zhan's smile got wider when he saw Yibo coming out. "Yibo!!", he called and the man looked up in Zhan's direction but the smile fell from Zhan's face when his eyes clashed with Yibo's. Something was wrong. Zhan could see it on Yibo's face, he could smell it in the air and he could sense it on Yibo's skin. Zhan was special in some ways and sensing emotions was a gift he had being an Omega. But,at present Zhan wasn't sure if he could appreciate the gift he had. Yibo's scent was always a source of comfort for Xiao Zhan. If someone asked Zhan what Yibo smelled like Zhan's answer would be a single word. Home. Yibo smelled like home. A heady masculine mix of smoked sandalwood with a faint touch of dark chocolate. Zhan knew that scent just as well as his because he was around Yibo twenty four hours a day and had been with Yibo for sixteen years of his life. Zhan had years to break down that scent to its each and every component and he had fallen in love with it. But today, Zhan didn't feel happy when his nose caught up the scent he loved so much. Instead, his wolf whined lowly because along with the usual mouthwatering scent of Yibo, there was the bitter scent of fear.

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