38. They will love you...

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Wei Changze gave Zhan a small smile and staring at the face that was the exact replica of his mate, his heart felt like it was going to burst soon. Changze felt slightly dizzy and felt that he was going to faint at the sight of the young man before him. After almost twenty two years...he had found him. His A-Ying. "I don't really know what to say. I can't be of much help. I won't lie. I was around two years old when Lei brought me here. But, I don't remember anything about my family or my pack. Lei will probably be able to tell you more than me or maybe Yibo. He was the one who found me all those years ago."  Changze stared at the boy because he couldn't help himself. The sweet soft voice, the polite demeanour, Changze couldn't help but stare at the boy thinking this was all a dream. A beautiful dream. The Wei Alpha hadn't thought that the boy would agree to see him so soon. His son had been living in this shelter for a long time but Changze was glad for the chance he had gotten. His A-Ying had agreed to meet him.

Despite the utter fear on his face, the child was brave enough to come here. "I didn't want to spring this upon you like this. But, I couldn't stop myself. When Cang Ming told me he had seen a primary Omega resembling his sister in Shen Teng's party, I packed my bag and was on the next fight. I would have brought my mate as well but your mother...she might have fainted with joy at the sight of you."  Changze hid the fact that this time his wife would've completely lost herself if Zhan didn't turn out to be their A-Ying and it was a chance Wei Changze couldn't take. "Mr, Wei. Are you sure I am your son?", came the small voice and Changze felt tears burn his eyes again. Almond eyes raised to his and this time Changze saw the glistening tears in them and he saw the struggle of the boy trying to keep his tears from falling. "I can sense how badly you want this to be the truth. I understand you have been looking for your son for a long while and I don't want you to get disappointed if this doesn't turn out to be the truth."  "You were wrapped in the blanket Wang Lei showed me the day you were taken. I won't ever forget it because your mother embroidered a plum blossom on it. Because you smelled like them."  A tear rolled down Zhan's cheek at the confession and Changze looked away blinking his own away. "The day those jackals took you, you were at my brother's cafe. Me and your mother were handling a pack meeting so your uncle was babysitting you. They took you from there and we couldn't find you anywhere. We..we were looking for you all this time. And we were ready to search our whole lives. All we wanted was to see you alive and doing well before we both died. I am sorry we took so long. Will you forgive us?"

Zhan sniffled and wiped his tears away staring at man before him. "There's nothing to forgive. I..I have been living well here. All these years, I had people around me. People that cared for me, loved me. So...you don't have to be sorry."  "Do you believe it? Do you believe that I am your father?"  The question had Zhan stopping and at last the Omega gave a slow nod, admitting to himself the truth before him. "I do. Honestly, if there was even a little doubt about us being a family, Lei wouldn't have invited you here. He is very protective of everyone that lives here. He told me to meet you only because he is sure you are my father. And, I trust him. More than that...I can sense it. I just..I am a little overwhelmed too. It's probably the shock." Relief spread across the man's face and the man gazed at Zhan expectantly before saying, "That's good."  Zhan looked back to the doors thinking Lei was probably just outside the door worrying himself sick and he gathered the strength to say the words that were trapped in his throat. "Lei told me your pack are settled in Chongqing."  It was the way Zhan moved his eyes away from the man that had Changze a little rattled. "Is that a problem?"  "I don't really know what to expect from you but, I'd like to say something, Mr. Wei."  The elder nodded his head encouraging the Omega to go on. "As much as I am glad to finally find you, I don't want to leave here." The man before him had gone deathly still and Zhan felt the Alpha's sorrow graze his skin. "All these years, I did wonder how my parents had lost me. I got my answers today and yes, I am extremely grateful that you were still looking for me. I wasn't sure if my parents were still out there or that they had given up on finding me. Seeing you here... hearing your words, thank you for not giving up. But, all these years Hope has been my home. If you expect me to leave here, I am sorry but I can't do that."

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