8. He stays here...

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Zhan stiffened as soon as he heard the loud growl and he turned to Yibo freezing when he found those dark orbs fixed on him. "He stays here." Yibo spoke, his voice heavier than usual and Zhan shivered because of the malice in that voice. "I..I need to talk to Ming Jing. I do it all the time. It's fine", he assured in a calm voice and Yibo stood up suddenly, the chair scraping hard on the floor. "I said you will stay here", Yibo growled again and Zhan's eyes narrowed. Did Yibo really think he had a say in what Zhan did or didn't do? The fucking gall of this man. "I don't know why you think I need your permission, Wang Yibo."

Zhan turned around to leave the office but his steps came to a halt when his elbow was taken in a harsh grip. Zhan turned around and glared at Yibo, feeling his blood boil at the Alpha's actions. Come to think of it, this was the first time Zhan had ever defied Yibo so blatantly. All these years of them being together, Zhan had followed Yibo's words without hesitation but today he wouldn't.  "Let go", he growled lowly and heard Lei leave saying, "I'll talk to Wei Wei. You guys carry on. Umm...try not to break anything." The door shut behind Lei and Zhan was back to glaring at Yibo, his jaw clenched and eyes blazing fury. "I said let go, Wang Yibo."  "What if I don't, hm?", Yibo taunted and Zhan pulled his hand harshly to ease the grip on him only for it to get tighter and Yibo to pin him against Lei's office door. "What the hell are you doing?", Zhan asked again and Yibo dropped his head to his shoulder, burrowing his head into the crook of Zhan's neck. Zhan shivered when arms tightened around his body and Yibo took a deep breath in. "You seem to have forgotten who your Alpha is, little wolf. If I say you aren't going, that means you aren't going. End of discussion." The words were whispered into Zhan's ear and while the action had Zhan hardening in his pants, rage seemed to overpower the lust.

"I don't have an Alpha, Mr. Wang Yibo", stated Zhan firmly and felt a twinge of satisfaction when Yibo tensed against him. "I haven't been claimed. I don't belong to any pack. If you think you can order me around just because you are helping the shelter then you are dead wrong. That right will belong to the man who claims me as his. That man isn't you, Wang Yibo." Zhan tried to free himself but Yibo was an Alpha and it was difficult to get out of his grip. Zhan doubled his efforts and pushed the man with all his might but froze instantly when he felt Yibo's mouth roam over his skin. "It will be so easy to mark you. All I have to do is restrain you, bite you and then...then I will become that man, right, Zhan-Zhan?" Zhan's eyes misted over at the name but he chose to focus on his anger and Yibo's cruel words. "Marking an unwilling Omega is a crime, Yibo", he said coldly and Yibo took hold of Zhan's chin, making him look at Yibo. "Are you unwilling, little wolf?", Yibo mocked in his deep, throaty voice and the words left Zhan cold and jaded.

"I will never be willing to get marked by a man who abandoned me, Wang Yibo. I will never give myself to someone who drugged me and left me alone knowing exactly what it would do to me." The hand on Zhan's face fell at the words and Zhan's eyes filled with fury. "You lost me the day you turned your back on me", Zhan whispered and saw Yibo's eyes turn arctic at the words. "Let go", Zhan said coldly and Yibo's eyes turned dark, the air around them humming with dominant Alpha vibes. They were was meant to make him submit, Zhan realised. The air became thicker and thicker with the Alpha vibes but Zhan stood strong, his eyes meeting Yibo's dead on. "It won't work, Wang Yibo. There was a time when I submitted willingly to you. But, I don't consider you my Alpha anymore. And you know no Alpha can make me submit unless I want them to", Zhan said with a cold smirk and pushed a clearly surprised Yibo away. Righting his clothes, Zhan wiped his neck, desperate to get Yibo's touch off him and walked out of the office, slamming the door hard behind him.
"Alpha?",the door to Lei's office opened minutes later and Yibo snarled at his enforcer aggressively. Seeing the Alpha's eyes and the thick dominant around him Feiyu backed away immediately as a sign of his submission. Feiyu wasn't sure why but it was as if his submission made his Alpha's anger worse. The harsh growl that left the Alpha had Feiyu's hackles rising but he chose to stay still, not making any unnecessary movements. The Alpha shouldered past him harshly and Feiyu suppressed the faint shiver that rose up his spine. The Alpha's feral episodes were getting frequent these days. Taking his phone out he immediately called the Beta of their pack. "Haoxuan. Get Yu Qi ready. Alpha's wolf is pissed again."

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