20. I will tell him...

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"All of them are so nice, Lei!And there is this big training arena where Yibo-ge trains everyone himself. He suggested Liu Fang to join in and I have also started to take lessons. It's just amazing!", Wei Wei hadn't stopped talking since Wang Lei had stepped onto the Wang Territory and the elder sent an amused glance to Liu Fang who was playing with Wei Wei's hair, hearing her talk like it was the best thing in the world. Lei had known Wei Wei would come to love her new home. Not just because of how beautiful this place was but also because Wang Yibo had made sure Wei Wei didn't feel out of place. From hearing her talks, Lei had realised that the Wang pack had welcomed Wei Wei into their territory with open arms and a weight had lifted from Lei's chest hearing about it. Wei Wei wasn't pampered here like she had been in the shelter but she wasn't treated any differently from her other packmates which was a good thing. The members of the Wang pack were all different from each other but there was an understanding among all of them which Wei Wei had said reminded her of Hope. Spending a year with the young girl, Lei had come to think of her as family and after all the hardships she had endured, Wei Wei deserved a break. Lei was glad Yibo had taken the girl in and from the looks of it, Wei Wei was flourishing here. "I was hoping Zhan-ge would come with you as well, Lei. Has he already forgotten about me?", the girl pouted and Lei gave her a smile. "As if he could. Zhan had some things to take care of. He asked me to tell you that he is sorry he couldn't make it today but he will visit soon." The girl nodded her head content with the response and soon a young man came in their direction. The man gave a nod of acknowledgement to Lei before turning to Liu Fang. "Fang, Fanxing is asking for you and Wei Wei." Wei Wei turned her eyes to Lei who gave her an encouraging look. "Go on. I have to talk with your Alpha anyway. I'll see you later." The two made their way away from Lei and the lion shifter walked towards the Wang packhouse.

Seeing Wei Wei was not the only reason for Lei's visit to Wang Territory. There was another big reason. Ever since the showdown in Lei's office two weeks ago, things weren't the same as before. Yibo didn't visit the shelter often and Zhan was obviously not taking that well which had the elder perturbed. Lei had tried to talk to the Omega, had asked him what was wrong but all he got was a robotic response from Zhan that he was okay. Lei wasn't blind. He could see Zhan was hurting and with the way Yibo was avoiding Hope, it meant he was the reason for it all. Lei entered the Wang Packhouse and was led to Yibo's office by Haoxuan. He took a step into the Alpha's office and it was clear to Lei that Yibo was suffering as well. There were dark circles under the Wang Alpha's eyes, his skin was pale and it seemed like the man hadn't slept properly for ages. "I know I am quite handsome but you can stop staring, Lei." Lei grunted at Yibo's arrogance taking a seat before the man. "You look tired, Yibo." "That's because I am", came the response and Lei folded his hands on the table, leaning on them. "I wanted to see Wei Wei and asked Zhan to accompany me here but he refused. Want to tell me what happened?" Yibo raised his eyes to the lion shifter and a half smile made its way on the Wang Alpha's lips. "He doesn't want to see me. What else could have happened. We both know how stubborn he can be." "I know how stubborn you both can be. Tell me what happened, Yibo. Zhan isn't being himself and I am worried about you both." Yibo stared long and hard at the table before him and when his eyes met Lei's again, there was darkness in them that had Lei sitting straighter in his chair.

"Did you know that pack I belonged to the Lan pack before I told you about the attack, Lei?" Lei nodded his head at the Wang Alpha his features softening a little. "I knew it the day you shifted. No one else in our shifter world has dominant white wolves except for the Lan pack. I knew you were a Lan and I knew Ling Yue could help you answer your questions." A faint smile tugged at Yibo's lips as he nodded his head. "The Lans come from a long line of dominant Alphas and my father was the Alpha of the pack. The day you told me that Ling Yue knew something about the attack on my pack, I talked to him. He was an ally of my father's, indebted to him and he told me everything he knew." Lei heard the words and his brows raised as he listened to Yibo. "Ling Yue refused to tell me anything. He just said that he knew why the Lan pack was attacked. Did he tell you who attacked your old pack?" "It was Gu Yinjun. You must have heard of him. He was a wolf who abducted different breeds of shifters and used them for his entertainment. Turned out that he and Lin Hai, the head of the Lin Family had an...arrangement of sorts. The Lin family sold rare breeds of shifters to Gu Yinjun and my pack members were a part of one of those deals. Lin Hai came to my father on Gu Yinjun's behalf asking for five white pups. It wasn't a secret what Gu Yinjun liked to do to his captives. My father refused, something that Gu Yinjun didn't like. So, he attacked my pack and killed my entire family, Lei." A distressed look came upon the lion shifter's face as he heard the words.

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