53. An unlikely alliance...

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"Didn't know you were capable of kindness, Wang Yibo", came a voice from behind him and Yibo turned around, his eyes narrowing on Wu Jing. The Alpha was leaning against a pillar in the long corridor a smirk on his face but that easy-going facade wasn't fooling Yibo. Yibo knew he was looking at a man just as ruthless as him. "You got a problem?" Seeing the narrowed eyes, and clenched fists Wu Jing smiled but slowly the smile vanished from his face. "Now that your Omega isn't around, you aren't hiding your true self."  Crossing his arms across his chest, Yibo raised a brow. "What do you want?"  "I did a lot of research on you after the incident on the night of the party. I found a lot of things. Thought some of the things people said about you were just for a dramatic effect. But nope, you are as mean as they come. It makes me wonder, how did you snag someone as sweet as Xiao Zhan?" The Alpha walked towards Yibo and Yibo's wolf rose within him with a growl. Yeah, the wolf didn't like the Alpha either. He knew the other man wanted his mate. Yibo had heard from Bowen and Yunfan how the Alpha had propositioned Zhan. Even on the night of the party the Alpha had jumped in to protect Zhan from the jackals. Yibo's wolf had also seen the Alpha being restrained by the others because he wanted to take Zhan away from the then-feral Yibo. Yibo wished the man had tried to take Zhan away from him, it would have been a good excuse to end the man. But, it was never too late.

Dark eyes focused on the mark on Yibo's neck and the Alpha's eyes iced over in that moment. "I was hoping the news wasn't true. But, seems like it is. Can't say I am surprised. You are selfish and it's hard to let go of someone like him." The insinuation of the words was clear. Wu Jing hadn't let go of Xiao Zhan. "Wanting a marked Omega is a death wish, Wu Jing. Especially one who is claimed by a feral wolf. You sure you want to go down that lane?"  Yibo didn't care if his words sounded like a threat. If he could, Yibo would have punched the shit out of the man right there. "Nope. I don't. I don't like being second best. Since he has chosen to be with you, I won't bother him. Although, I have to ask. Did you mate with him just to stabilize your wolf? Did you manipulate him into doing this?"  "What can you do to me even if I did?" A dark smile was on Yibo's lips and Wu Jing's jaw tightened at the words. "He deserves better."  Yibo took a step in Wu Jing's direction, amused at the way Wu Jing eyed him. With suspicion. With apprehension. As if Yibo was a monster. The Alpha wasn't wrong. Yibo was feeling like one now. "My business with my little wolf has nothing to do with you, Wu Jing." Anger flushed the Alpha's cheekbones and Yibo glared at the man enjoying every second of it. He wanted to torment the other even more but decided against it at the last moment. "Believe it or not, he marked me first." Yibo couldn't keep the smugness out of his words and his eyes caught a strange look in Wu Jing's eyes. The Alpha was worried about his little wolf. Truly. Yibo knew the man had a reputation that rivaled his, yet, he had come to care for Xiao Zhan. Yibo couldn't blame the guy. His little wolf had that effect on people. All these years while he had stayed away, the fear that someone else would come to want his little wolf had kept Yibo awake most nights. It was impossible to get Zhan out of your heart once he was there. Zhuo Yichen...Wu Jing...they were fighting a lost battle. Just like Yibo had years ago.
Yibo's head cocked to the side as he tried to figure out the man in front of him. Wu Jing wanted something from him. "He's safe with me. I'd never hurt him. Now, tell me, what do you want?" A laugh left Wu Jing and the man gestured at Yibo to sit on a bench, an offer Yibo refused with a hard look.

"Nothing I've heard about you is reassuring, Wang Yibo. You've left quite a bloody trail behind you. But, I believe you when you say you won't hurt him. I guess you have a redeeming quality after all. It's your love for Xiao Zhan."  "I won't discuss my mate with you. It's not what you are here for anyway. So, what do you want from me, Wu Jing?" The Alpha hid his surprise well at the keen observation. Wu Jing indeed wasn't here to talk about Xiao Zhan. "I'd like to have an alliance with your pack."  "Not interested." Wu Jing chuckled again appearing genuinely amused while Yibo regarded the Alpha with a pointed look. "Don't be such a spoilsport. You can ask around, I am a good man to be friends with. You seem like a loyal man as well."  "I am not exactly friend material", Yibo began, a bored look on his face. "My loyalties lie with one person and you have him in your sights.  Can't have an alliance with you when I know I'll sever your head with my claws if you so much as stare at my mate again which you will. So, I am not inclined to let you near us in any form."  "I had designs on the Omega, I won't lie about that." Even when Yibo tried to, a snarl left his lips at the confession. His wolf let out a growl and Yibo's eyes flashed a bright golden in anger.

"Calm down, Mr. Wang. I said I had designs on Xiao Zhan. Past tense. Seeing the mark on your neck, things have changed. If you weren't mated or if you died..." The man pretended to think carefully over the words before schooling his features. "Forget it. We know you are one tenacious bastard. You won't die any soon. I have no interest in competing with you, rest assured." Yibo forced his wolf to back down and the animal did with much resistance sensing the truth in Wu Jing's words. "Why do you want an alliance with my pack?" he fired next coming straight to business. "It's not just you who has made enemies over the years. There are a lot of people who want me dead too. While razing some of them will be as easy as swatting a fly, there is one man I can't defeat on my own. My father." The Wang Alpha's face was blank and Wu Jing stood up from the bench, his features mirroring the anger and loathing in his heart. "I won't waste your time with the details. That's a conversation for another day. All I can tell you is that the old man deserves what's coming for him and I need someone like you on my side."  "What will you do for me in return?" At his words, a calculative glint entered Wu Jing's eyes. "I'll tell you when Chang Xia will attack Hope." Yibo's eyes locked onto Wu Jing's, the shock in his eyes evident before suspicion bled into the orbs. "I've had my people watching her for a while now. The enemies I talked about, Chang Ming Jing is one of them. One of their greatest strengths is catching their foes off guard. That's what she is planning on again."  "Did you know she was going to attack the night of Wei Wei's birthday?" Wu Jing was expecting the question and his gaze didn't falter from Yibo's as he gave the man a stiff nod.

"Why do you think I came here without getting an invitation? I knew she was going to come.  I could have warned Lei about her but that would've made Chang Xia aware of the spies I have in her pack. Couldn't let that happen. The risk was too high now that the battle is so close. I came here to help careful as to not expose my cover."  "Why should I believe you, Wu Jing? You are someone who will lie, manipulate, kill, and more to get what you want. All this could be a ploy to make me agree to your offer."  "I have been on Zhan's side since day one, Yibo.  At first, I joined this battle only because Chang Xia was the one everyone here was fighting. I came here for the fun but over time, things changed. Your mate can be pretty persuasive. I decided to give Hope my support the day he came to see me. The proposition I made...it was a selfish move. One that I'll not try to justify. But, I am not trying to manipulate you here. I can be of help to you. I'll fight alongside the others despite what you decide but, I'd like to gain something from it too. I'll tell you everything I know if you give me your word. Help me and I'll help you." The Wang Alpha continued to stare at the other Alpha not saying a word. An alliance with someone like Wu Jing was something that required a lot of consideration. Yibo's hands were tied now and the Alpha didn't like that one bit. "I know exactly how you feel. If things were the other way around, I would have been reluctant as well. But, I have to think of my people, Wang Yibo. Nothing else matters to me. My enemies are closing in on me. You can be my way out. We both know dealing with Chang Xia isn't going to be easy. The woman is far more dangerous and cruel than others know. I'll help you gain an upper hand in this battle. All I want is-"  "I'll agree." Wu Jing couldn't hide his surprise this time. He hadn't expected Yibo to agree so fast. After all, Yibo didn't know him at all.  "Tell me everything you know and I'll give you an alliance with no limitations. Your father, Chang Ming Jing whoever brings a fight to your door, I'll fight alongside you. But, let me make one thing clear. I won't be used as a weapon. My pack won't be used as your shield." A curt nod conveyed Wu Jing's agreement but the Alpha's still had a doubtful look on his face. The Alpha couldn't figure out what was going on in Yibo's head, the man's face stoic and it was a major disadvantage.

"What if you back out of our deal after the battle?" A growl trickled out of Yibo's throat, one that promised pain and Wu Jing's lips quirked. "It's a relevant question, Yibo. You are strong enough to cause me damage. I need assurances."  "I gave you my word. I won't back out", gritted the Alpha and this time, Wu Jing gave the man a genuine smile. "I knew I would like you. I can now see why Zhan is so smitten by you." Stretching his hand, Wu Jing offered Yibo a hand only for Yibo to grunt and turn his back towards him. "Hey!" The Alpha walked away and a rather stupefied Wu Jing remained in the corridor. It wasn't every day that he met someone like the Wang Alpha. Having dangerous allies had always turned out to be in Wu Jing's favor so, the man couldn't complain. The other Alpha had a stinking personality but Wu Jing could keep up with it. Smiling, he took out his phone from his pocket calling a number. "Send me the name of every Alpha that is assisting Chang Xia. That woman needs to die."

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