32. Come on, baby lion.

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Zhan parked his car at the gates of Wang Territory and found a man he recognized from his last visit. "FanXing! Hi." "Hi, Zhan-ge. Alpha asked me to bring you to the packhouse once you reached." "Oh, great but..I have some things in my car. We will need help." The young man smiled before telling Zhan to open the doors. "I'll help you then. I am pretty strong, Zhan-ge." Zhan gave the boy a forced smile before the door opened. Zhan stifled a smile in as he took in the surprise on FanXing's face. "Strong enough to carry all of that?", asked Zhan with a smile and the young boy gave Zhan a sheepish look before he gazed back at the numerous bags full of mooncakes on the car seat. "We will need some help." "I'll call Wei Wei and A-Fang." "They are busy training." "It's just us then." Zhan got out the car and was in the process of grabbing a few bags when he saw a man coming running towards him and FanXing.

"FanXing!!" "What's wrong, Weiyu?, asked FanXing with a frown clearly worried seeing the man's disheveled state and the tiger was gasping as he said the words. "Alpha...went feral. Packhouse." Zhan ran as soon as he heard the words and seeing the group of people standing in front of the packhouse had his hackles raising. Shouldering past the people Zhan grabbed the hand of someone he recognized. "Feiyu. What happened? Is Yibo okay?" Zhan made a move to get inside the house but found his elbow in a death grip of the Enforcer. "Alpha is inside, Mr. Xiao. But, it's better if you stay here for a while until he calms down." "Calms down? What happened?", Zhan's brows were furrowed, sweat beading on his body out of nervousness and just a second later, Zhan heard the loudest growl he had ever heard in his entire life. A scream came the next moment and two figures rushed out of the packhouse. "Fuck!", cursed Feiyu letting Zhan go. Haoxuan was supporting YuQi's form and Zhan's nose caught the metallic scent of blood heartbeats before his eyes settled on the deep gash on Haoxuan's side. "You're bleeding", said Zhan grabbing Haoxuan and felt the fear that clung to the man eased a bit before it got even more intense. "You shouldn't be here", panted the beta wolf and Zhan's brows furrowed. "We can talk about this later. Get a healer for him, Feiyu." Kneeling beside Xuan, Zhan turned his eyes to the woman and saw her ashen face and dried tears marks. Someone from the crowd gave YuQi water and as her head raised further, Zhan saw the deep red handprints on her neck. The dots connected in his head but Zhan still refused to believe that Yibo had done this to YuQi. The marks were blood red, turning purple at their sides and Zhan's eyes turned to the packhouse thinking of going to Yibo.

"I need to go to him. Try to calm him down", rambled YuQi trying to get up but Haoxuan's grip on her turned bruising as he glared at the woman. "Haven't you done enough, YuQi?" The girl had a stubborn jut to her chin but a growl from Haoxuan shut her up. "Take her away and cover up her scent, Bowen. He will come looking for her. FanXing, you tell the others to steer clear of the packhouse. Tell them to be extremely careful. Alpha is having one of his feral episodes." With a nod, FanXing began instructing his packmates and Zhan saw the Shifters nod their heads as if they had done the same thing a hundred times before as they stepped away from the closed door of Yibo's house. "What's happening, Haoxuan?", Zhan asked impatiently and the Beta wolf hissed as he stood up. "Not-" "Don't say nothing, Haoxuan. The gash on your side is not nothing. Neither are the marks on her neck. Tell me what's going on so that I can be of help." Desperation was obvious in Zhan's tone and the Beta bit his lips before cursing lowly.

"Usually when Yibo gets angry he gets himself in control but sometimes he finds it... difficult to come back from that phase. His anger fuels his wolf's rage, Zhan. It's harder for Yibo to control his wolf when he gets angry like that. Something pissed Yibo off right now and his wolf surfaced. He is trying to rein himself in. I got YuQi and myself out before he did anything. As long as we let him deal with it..he will be fine. He will exhaust himself soon. Stay away from the packhouse for a while. Yibo will control his wolf-" "Suppress his wolf, you mean", gritted Zhan through clenched teeth and Haoxuan have him a look full of pity. "That's the only way." "I can't leave him like this", mumbled Zhan standing up and Haoxuan's hand grabbed his shoulder harshly.

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