55. I want to protect you!!

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"Alpha." The sole word had a dozen pairs of eyes shooting in the direction of Long Feiyu. The cougar had a grim look on his face that compelled everyone to stand up. Chang Xia was coming. Just as they had anticipated. Seated in the Common Hall, the shifters had been waiting for any movement from Chang Xia's side. The wait was finally over. Deadly growls escaped the tensed shifters as they got into battle mode. "How long do we have?", Yibo asked in a calm collected voice but the wolf shifter wasn't fooling Zhan. The Primary Omega could sense the stifling anger settled on his mate's body. It felt like sandpaper against Zhan's skin. The same rage was brimming on everyone, the dark emotion almost suffocating. Along with fury, there was a bloodthirsty look in everyone's eyes, their animals on edge, wanting out. Zhan's wolf had been snarling and growling since morning in anticipation of the battle. Now the hour had finally arrived.

Thanks to Wu Jing, they knew Chang Xia was going to attack today and preparations had been made in advance. All the children, elderly, and others who couldn't fight had been relocated. The packs that had promised to help Hope had shown up as well ready to take the she-wolf down. The woman was going to regret getting on their bad side, that was for sure. "We have an hour at most." "The Changs have over a hundred people in their packs alone. With the jackals, the number will go even higher. I know it's wishful thinking but I hope things don't go south", voiced Lei solemnly. "The fight between us is inevitable. If it was just Chang Ming Jing, maybe this fight could be avoided but now that Chang Xia has dragged so many of Hope's enemies into this, we can't avoid it", Zhuocheng added with a grimace. "With the additional alliances of the Wei family, our numbers are pretty close. We won't be greatly outnumbered. If no last minute changes have been made, they'll attack in two separate groups. One led by Ming Jing's Head enforcer Chang GenXin, the other by Chang Ming Jing and Chang Xia", stated Wu Jing, the Alpha's eyes flashing wolf. "If that's what happens, we'll stick to the original plan. Half of us will stay in the enemy's view while the rest stay hidden and attack when the time is right. Wei Wei will stay with Lei. Alpha Shen, Zhuocheng, Chen Yue and Yichen will stay back to protect her. As for GenXin and Chang Ming Jing, the Wang pack and Wu Jing's men will charge first to take care of them", finished Zhan. "If anything is amiss, take Wei Wei with you. Feiyu and Zi Teng will cover you", instructed Yibo and Wang Lei nodded his head. "Ming Jing rarely gets into battles himself, so he'll send GenXin to do his work. Once both GenXin and Ming Jing are gone, Chang Xia's side will collapse. Then we'll cage the she-wolf in. As long as she is alive, the threat on Wei Wei won't go away. Whoever gets her hands on her, finish her."

Nodding their heads everyone walked out of the Hall at Yibo's instruction getting into position. Zhan was to follow suit but before he could get off the table he sat on, Yibo crowded him, caging the man in. The eyes pinned to Zhan's form were hard, possessive and laced with concern. Yibo's wolf stirred within him fear and rage filling him until he could taste it. Leaning into his mate's arms, Yibo took a moment to breathe Zhan in, settling himself and his wolf. The Alpha rolled his shoulders his muscles taut with tension while his wolf growled within him, ready to surface. Yibo knew giving in was inevitable. He had to give up control to his wolf. But, before that he needed a moment of peace. Before chaos broke out, he wanted his calm. He needed his home before he drowned in the sea of rage again. A warm hand settled on the back of Yibo's neck and the Alpha looked up to his mate who gave him a soft look.

"You alright?" Yibo didn't respond with words choosing to bury his face in Zhan's shoulder instead. Yibo wasn't afraid of fighting battles. He had faith in himself and his pack. The Wang Pack had never lost a battle before and the Alpha had no intention of changing that. "I might not be as mean as you are but I can hold my ground well enough. I won't hold you back." The words were murmured against Yibo's throat causing Yibo to sigh out loud. The one thing he had never done was underestimate Xiao Zhan. He knew better than anyone else how capable his mate was. He was also sure no harm would come to Zhan until he was breathing. Blind with rage or not, Yibo's wolf was not going to let anyone hurt his mate. Unconsciously, a low growl left him causing Zhan to melt into his body. "Don't be afraid. We'll win this. I'll bring you and your wolf back if you lose control. Don't you believe in me?"  "There's nothing else I believe in but you, Xiao Zhan."  Warmth flooded through their connection and Yibo drew comfort from the knowledge that he held his world in his arms. Zhan held him tight breathing in deeply. "I promised you, I won't leave your side. We'll fight side by side. You and your wolf will come back to me. I'll make sure of it." Crimson eyes met Zhan's and instead of being alarmed, the Omega pressed his lips to Yibo's gently. He had come to like the unique shade of his mate's eyes.

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