56. Bring me back...

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Zhan stepped out of the shelter gates the cool, frigid air hitting his face. The knowledge of what was going to happen had adrenaline surging through him. Yibo's hand squeezed him and the Omega took the much-needed strength and calm from his mate. The Changs and their allies were spread across the clearing facing them. As far as Zhan's sight went, there were shifters and their beasts, all high on anticipation of the upcoming battle. Looking closely, Zhan caught surprise flicker in Chang Ming Jing's eyes. The Alpha hid the expression well but many of his allies failed. Their bodies went still and Zhan couldn't help smirking. The Changs hadn't expected them to be ready. The arrogant fools had thought of catching them off guard. "Ah! I see you managed to arrange a little army for yourself. You think they'll be able to save you all from me?", beamed Chang Xia but something was terribly wrong in the way she smiled. The night of Wei Wei's birthday the woman had appeared unhinged but seeing her today had goosebumps rising on Zhan's skin. It wasn't just the crazy in her eyes that had his hackles rising. Dark, malevolent hatred was coiled in her with intense fury, pure madness glinting in the woman's form. Those dead eyes moved to the figure beside Zhan and a high-pitched laugh tore from the woman's lips. It was a second later that the woman sneered at her sister.

"So precious! My sister marked her mate, Dad. This is so much better!" The she-wolf laughed again, the hollow sound disturbing. "Thank you for being so fucking stupid, little sister. Tearing his throat out will be so much more fun now." Wei Wei's wolf took a predatory step further her teeth snapping at the woman who threatened her mate. Chang Xia's face crumpled with fury a snarl tearing from her lips in retaliation. Wei Wei took another threatening step forward but Liu Fang placed a hand on his mate's head making the she-wolf cease her growling. He then stepped in front of the she-wolf making his stance clear. In order to get to Wei Wei, Chang Xia would have to go through Liu Fang. On another occasion, people might have laughed at the twenty-year-old trying to challenge men double his size but no one did now because of the Alpha's dead eyes. Liu Fang was going to rip apart every hand that tried to touch what was his and that message was received by everyone in the clearing loud and clear. "You won't reach Wei Wei, Chang Xia. Not when we are all standing by her side", grunted Wang Lei. Chang Xia's lips tightened at the words, her eyes narrowing. "I told you before, Wang Lei. That morality of yours will get you killed one day. The day has arrived." Chang Xia stepped forth a group of jackals following her closely. Upon Wei Changze's instruction, the iron gate to the shelter was pushed open and Zhan heard the sounds of bones breaking behind him. The shifters on their sides had started to shift, moving into position.

"While this showdown will no doubt be entertaining, I think there's no need for it." Speaking to Wang Lei, Chang Ming Jing motioned at the red she-wolf. "Give Wei Wei to us. This is a matter that concerns my family. I'll deal with it myself. Hand her over so that all of you can live." Zhan's heart thundered in his chest eyeing the shifters that stood with Chang Xia. The number was easily over two hundred and fifty. Jackals, wolves, and lion shifters stood behind the she-wolf and it was clear Chang Ming Jing had called in every shifter, every favor he could, all to end them. "Come on, Wei Wei. None of these people you care so much about will die if you come here by yourself." Zhan's gut clenched at the way Chang Xia stared at Wei Wei. "The moment Wei Wei crosses these gates she will be killed. You think we'll knowingly put her in harm's way?", challenged Zhan staring at Wei Wei's father. The man in question pinned Zhan with a harsh look and several deadly growls were heard from behind Zhan. "There's still time. This battle won't end well. You've lost one daughter already, I am sure you don't want to lose another." A part of Zhan was hopeful that things wouldn't escalate. Not because he was afraid of the battle. He was worried that a lot of people were going to get hurt because Chang Xia refused to see past her anger. "I always thought your Omega was extremely chatty, Wang Yibo", chuckled Chang Xia examining her nails.

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