9. Yibo needs it..

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"We followed your orders, Alpha. Chang Ming Jing knows that the Wang pack is ready for a fight and what will happen if anything happens to Mr. Xiao Zhan. There has been no movement from their side yet." Li Bowen finished briefing his Alpha and looked up to Wang Yibo who was staring hard at the table before him. "What of the wolf that insulted my Omega?", he asked roughly and Bowen answered honestly. "Dead." "Good", praised Yibo and motioned Bowen to leave. Bowen let out a sigh of relief and was almost out of the room when his Alpha spoke again. "My little wolf likes to get friendly, Bowen. Tell the others to maintain their distance. Show them what happened to the two who dared to want my Zhan if that's what it takes but make sure no one even breathes the same air as him. Clear?",warned Wang Yibo in his heavier than usual voice and Bowen nodded. "Yes, Alpha." The Wang pack wouldn't need another warning though. The news of the two wolves who were banished and hunted in the forest by the Alpha had reached everyone's ears. No one would even dream of the Omega after seeing what had happened to the two who had dared to look at the Alpha's little wolf.

Seeing that Bowen was gone Xuan addressed the elephant in the room. "Still on edge?", he asked taking in Yibo's tensed form, blazing eyes and Yibo growled low in his throat before letting out a deep breath. "Maybe you should talk to Zhan", Haoxuan advised and Yibo glanced at him sharply, unhappy with his beta. "Alpha, this can't go on. Even the usual methods aren't working. Before you truly lose control and hurt someone-" "I am fine, Haoxuan", Yibo spoke coldly, his voice more beast than man and Xuan ground his teeth hard. There were times when Haoxuan really didn't know how to make his Alpha understand the gravity of his situation. Wang Yibo was incredibly stubborn and it was hard to make his Alpha see sense on some days. Even now as he sat still, every muscle coiled in tension and snarls erupting from his mouth, Yibo was telling Xuan that he was fine. Xuan knew he wasn't. Yibo hadn't been fine for a really long time. It was just that now, he was getting worse. "I will call for Yu Qi. Maybe your wolf won't be as aggressive as yesterday." Haoxuan suggested but Yibo shook his head, standing up. "Don't. It won't help. It won't work anymore." "It has worked just fine for the last five years, Alpha", pressed Haoxuan and seeing Yibo trembling with rage and pain, Xuan lost his temper. 

"It's all because of him, isn't it? You saw him just once and see what has happened, Yibo. I told you it was a risky decision. I warned you that your wolf will not take his rejection lying down but you didn't fucking listen! Only if you told him, you won't have to suffer, Alpha. And if he says 'no' after knowing everything then you should just move the fuck on. You should just forget him and mate with another." One moment Xuan was trying to talk some sense into Yibo and the next moment he found himself on the ground with Yibo snarling down at him dangerously his eyes a deep shade of red. "You dare to keep my Omega from me", said the Alpha with a guttural growl and Xuan trembled with anxiety. The unhinged, manic look in Yibo's eyes was what scared him and Xuan froze as the Alpha bared his sharp fangs. "I can rip your throat out this fucking second, Haoxuan. This fucking second. If you care about your life and want to live to see another day, don't talk of me mating with another. Speak a word to Zhan about this and I will make sure you don't say another word for the rest of your miserable life. Scram!" Shoving his beta away, Yibo sat on his chair heaving. Xuan stood up slowly eyeing Yibo with some trepidation and though he had thousand things to say, he chose to stay quiet. Xuan knew how madly Yibo wanted Xiao Zhan. He could see it in the way the Alpha looked at the Omega. The hunger, the raw need and adoration in his eyes, they were all present for the world to see. What Xuan worried about was that Yibo's wolf wanted the same thing and Xuan wasn't sure how long Yibo could control his beast.

"I am not leaving you this early, A-Zhan", said Wang Lei with an exasperated sigh but the Omega ignored his words. "I could scent those bastards from mile away and the wolves from Luo pack were there with me. Can you stop looking like a kicked puppy now?", said Lei with a fond smile and Zhan scowled at him. "You think this is funny? She sent a dozen jackals after you, Lei! If Zhuocheng hadn't been there...you might have died you old log of wood!", Zhan yelled and Lei covered his ears, wincing. "Can you take that shrill voice of yours a level down? My ears are going to bleed at this rate." Lei looked over to Zhan and seeing the surly face of the Omega, his heart softened. "I am fine, A-Zhan. I really am." Zhan was cleaning the wound on Lei's hand and he threw the used wipes away, his hands still trembling. Zhan had been working when he had heard Yubin frantically shouting his name. Yubin told him that Lei had been attacked and for a second Zhan's vision had gone dark. "You are the only one I've left, Lei. Don't do this again", Zhan whispered softly and Lei ruffled his hair. Zhan had always seen Wang Lei as an older brother...a fatherly figure. The man was extremely protective of Zhan, had been with Zhan through thick and thin and had always treated Zhan with love and care so when Zhan had heard that those jackals had attacked Lei, Zhan had lost his mind. Zhan had never known his biological family but he had never felt their absence in his life. Lei and Yibo had filled all those voids and while he had lost Yibo, it was only Lei's presence that had kept Zhan sane. "If you leave me I won't have anyone left." "I am not the only one, Zhan. You have Yibo", Lei corrected him softly and Zhan looked away. The last thing Zhan wanted was to talk about Yibo.

"I know you are angry, A-Zhan. It's the pain caused by our loved ones that we never forget. So, I won't say that you forget what happened but forgive Yibo. He came back, Zhan. We both know why." "He came back to help you, Lei", Zhan argued and Lei smiled. "You were not the only one in love, Xiao Zhan. You know Yibo cared for you just as much you did for him. You can deny it all you want but we both know you could never love him as much as he loves you. You know Yibo loved you which is why this was so hard on you. If your love for Yibo was one-sided, you might have accepted that he left. It would have hurt but you would have endured that pain because somewhere in your heart, you would have expected it. This anger...this pain..it is because you knew Yibo loved you and he still chose to do what he did. He did what you had never thought he would and that betrayal...it can mess anyone up." Lei put his hand over Zhan's head, patting the younger's head softly to ease him. "It is not necessary that we give pain in return of pain. It isn't set in stone that you have to hurt Yibo just because he did it. You can give him love, A-Zhan." "I wouldn't have done this to him, Lei. There were a thousand ways he could tell me what was happening. He didn't. He had five years to come back to me. But, he didn't. Rather, he was out there building a life for himself while I tried to fill that hole in my heart he made with his betrayal. He could have told me and I would've listened, Lei. Without question. That is how blindly I loved him but he didn't even give me a chance." Zhan's voice had gone stiff by the end and Wang Lei caressed the Omega's head, hating that there was so much pain and hurt between him and Yibo.

"The day I found you both shivering and exhausted on my doorstep, I knew in first glance that you both had a bond which was very special." There was a faint smile on Wang Lei's face as he reminisced of the day he had found the two boys. "It could have been the way Yibo was holding you that made me think that way. He was sitting with his back to a tree holding you close to his body, his arms tight around you and the stick he had in his hand...I could see it in his eyes that he would stab me with it if I dared to harm you. I have seen a lot of protective Alphas my whole life but the look in Yibo's eyes was something else. I wasn't seeing a five year old staring at me but a full blooded Alpha challenging me to touch the Omega under his protection. I told him that I meant no harm and wanted to get you some food, warm you up and that boy got on his knees and bowed to me saying he would be indebted for life if I helped you." The way Yibo had stared at Lei, pleading him to take care of the child had surprised Lei. The five year old had refused to hand over Zhan to him and had been on his guard whenever someone got too close to the child bundled in his arms. "I asked him who you were to him. You both smelled entirely different so I knew you weren't siblings. He just stared at you and said you were his reason to live. His everything. A-Zhan...coming from a five-year old those words were massive and Yibo meant them. He meant it when he called you his everything. Since that day he was with you like your own shadow following you, guiding you and protecting you. All of that care, all of that love...don't ignore it for a mistake he made. Talk to him." Lei's words had tears streaming down Zhan's face and Lei hugged the Omega as he said, "He loves you, Zhan. He came back for you and we both know that. You love him too. Don't deprive him of that love and care. Yibo needs it."

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