29. Are you going back?

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Wang Yibo entered Wang Lei's office for the second time that day and the murderous rage that rose in him at the mere sight of Yichen had him stalling. Zhan must have caught the hard glint in Yibo's eyes because the Omega squeezed the hand in his grip in reassurance. Three pairs of eyes turned their way and Zhan led Yibo to the dark brown couch in Lei's office seating himself on Yibo's left. Yibo sat closer to Zhan than was necessary, his body in a predatory position and Yichen's eyes met his, blazing with fury. Yibo knew the man hated him just as much as Yibo did. Even now, the Alpha sent glares Yibo's way when he thought Yibo wasn't looking. It was clear that Zhan accepted Yibo's presence in his personal space and that had to be a tough pill to swallow for the Zhuo Alpha. Yichen threw a small smile his little wolf's way and Yibo's wolf snapped and snarled within him, his stomach churning as Zhan smiled back. "A-Zhan. Alpha Wang", greeted the Luo Alpha's son, Zhuocheng and Yibo gave the man a nod in greeting. The Zhuo Alpha just stared at Yibo for a moment before nodding an acknowledgement and Yibo returned the gesture as calmly as he could, keeping his emotions in check. The environment in the office was tense, Lei was himself seated rigidly in his chair and Zhan threw the elder a look that said "fix this". Yibo saw the exchange between the two and didn't like the unease in Zhan's form so he let Zhan's scent center him. The Alpha took a deep breath, the scent of plum blossoms on his own clothes a reassurance and he leaned into the couch, his face stoic, cold, dauntless like always. "Lei told me about A-Ling's situation, A-Zhan. I talked to dad as well, he has agreed on letting Zheng Ling staying in our pack for the time", said Zhuocheng and Zhan relaxed at the words. "My dad has also agreed to this. Until Bai Lou backs off..A-Ling can stay with us. But, I am worried about something, A-Zhan", the Alpha's frown didn't mean anything good so Zhan leaned forward on his elbows his form tense. "What is it?"  "Chang Xia must have mentioned the shelter's alliance with our packs to Bai Lou. With the kind of grudge Bai Lou holds against A-Ling's family, if he doesn't find her here, he could suspect she is with us. He might request a check  among our packs."  "He won't do that if we play this right", Yibo intervened from beside Zhan and the Omega turned to find Yibo in deep thought. "If he doesn't find A-Ling here and we tell Bai Lou that he was just used by Chang Xia for her own gains, the cougar will get upset and won't pursue the matter further. From what I know, cougars are extremely smart. If he finds out that Chang Xia used him just because of the beef she has with Hope, he will definitely back off.  But, what we need to do is cooperate with his people. The less resistant we are the more likely it is that he'll believe our words over Chang Xia's."  "Yibo is right, this could work", Lei said after a minute but Zhan still voiced a concern. "What if he resorts to violence, Lei? If he is coming all the way here on Chang Xia's call, he already is on her side."  Zhan bit his lower lip in worry and a hand came on his knee, the touch soothing. "Don't worry. No one will get hurt", said Yibo and Zhan gave the Alpha a smile nodding his head. "Well then, tell your pack to prepare themselves, A-Chen. A-Ling is afraid of Uncle Shen, so, it's better if they stay in your pack. You guys are in for a ride."  "Oh hell no! A-Niao will stay in Hope, Zhan-Zhan. She and A-Ling will drive my father crazy", protested Yichen, panicking but Zhan just gave the Alpha a look full of pity. "You know they won't stay away from each other, A-Chen. Thanks for doing this." The Alpha was left stumped and Zhuocheng placed a supportive hand on the male's back earning a glare from the man.

Two days later, Zhan was in Lei's office going through a pack's records when he heard a knock on the door. "Who is it?"  "Zhan, It's me", came Guo Cheng's voice and a look at the wolf told Zhan the time had come. Closing the file he had in his hands Zhan rushed outside and found cars parked in front of the gates. Zhan slowed his heart along with his steps and pasting a smile on his face, ran his gaze over the cougar shifters standing a few feet away. "A-Zhan, come here", called Lei from outside and only then Zhan noticed the stocky male standing in front of Lei, a perpetual frown marring the man's features. Bai Lou was the man who had taken everything away from a little girl and hate burned in Zhan as he saw the men standing behind Bai Lou. This man didn't deserve to be called an "Alpha". He was nothing less than a monster and now Zhan had to pretend that he didn't hate the cougar's guts. "Who do we have here, Lei?", he asked keeping up with the appearances and sensed the scent of rage that seeped out of Lei's pores. Zhan was glad it wasn't just him who wanted to see the Alpha's head rolling on the ground. "This is Mr. Bai Lou. He is the Alpha of a cougar pack settled in the North."  "Are you here for a donation?", Zhan asked and saw a smug smile grace the cougar's lips. "That depends on whether you people hand over what I want or not. If you do, I will pay you handsomely."  "As I said before, we don't have a cougar cub in our shelter, Mr. Bai."  "And my resources say that you do. I am more inclined to believe my own people and for the sake of your shelter and the shifters inside it, I suggest you don't lie to me, Wang Lei. Or...let's just say this won't be the first loner establishment that I have destroyed."  Zhan's eyes narrowed at the threat and the cougar caught the look on his face, his smile widening. "Seems like you don't want that to happen. So I'll ask again, Where is Zheng Ling?"  "We don't have a loner of that name in here."  "Maybe she was entered with a false name. Give me the records. I'll recognize her", the man pressed and Zhan sensed Lei's annoyance. "We can't do that, Mr. Bai. People living here wouldn't like their identities to be disclosed but I can do one thing."  "What is that?"  "I'll let five or six of your men look thoroughly through my property."  Zhan saw the cougar's face and he knew the man was surprised by Lei's suggestion and it was exactly what Yibo had said would happen.

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