44. Leave, Xiao Zhan....

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The hand collaring Yibo's throat caused his wolf to rise with a rumble, the beast clawing at his insides. His primal instincts compelled him to assert his dominance over his Omega but Yibo held himself in check, a faint growl rumbling in his chest. His hands fisted by his sides, a hiss leaving him when Zhan pushed him harder against the wood. The move was possessive, it called to Yibo's aggression pushing him to retaliate but Yibo didn't, holding himself back. When Zhan pulled away Yibo saw the dark almond eyes lit up with a fire he had never seen before. Hands fisted in Yibo's shirt, sharp claws brushing his neck and Yibo stared at his little wolf's golden eyes glaring at him, pain and anguish being reflected in those beautiful eyes. "You won't leave me", Zhan growled again tears glistening in his eyes, and Yibo's face softened. 'I don't want to', were the words that sat on Yibo's tongue but the Alpha couldn't get them out. He couldn't be weak now. He had to stay strong so that his little wolf would live...be happy. Zhan's lower lip wobbled and the man bit hard on his lip, leaving an impression behind that Yibo wished he could trace away with his lips. It was all he wanted but Yibo was hanging on by a very thin thread. He couldn't give in to this temptation or else there would be no coming back from it and the Alpha refused to put Zhan in his mess. 

"Leave, Xiao Zhan", Yibo growled, curling his fingers around the hands that gripped his collar, and Zhan's eyes glowered with fury. "I know you think this will keep me safe but you're wrong. I don't want this, Yibo. I want you! I want you here by my side!" Yibo's grip on Zhan's wrists tightened and he saw his Zhan's face soften. "We'll find a way to heal you, baby lion. We'll fight this together."  Yibo wanted to believe those words. He really wanted to hold onto the illusion that things could work out for them but Yibo couldn't lie to himself. His wolf was a threat to Zhan and to everything his little wolf cared about. Yibo saw that now clearer than ever. This night had been a harsh, cold slap by reality and Yibo had woken up from his beautiful dream. He had realized today that there was no escaping his nightmare. Now, Yibo's sole aim was to get Zhan away from his warped world but Yibo let himself be selfish for one fucking second and just soak in the warmth his little wolf brought into his cold, meaningless life. The scent of plum blossoms got overwhelming when Zhan molded himself against Yibo's body, hugging him close and the Alpha filled the Omega's scent in his lungs, wishing he could just bottle it all away and take it with him. "I promise we'll fix things", his mate comforted and Yibo knew his time was over. "I don't want to be healed. What I need is for you to leave, Zhan", Yibo gritted fighting the hold on him but Zhan's hold on him only strengthened.

"You are lying!! You promised me you wouldn't leave again. You told me you will stay here. You promised!!" Yibo didn't try to stop Zhan when sharp claws dug into his shoulder. He let Zhan take his pain out on him because this was all the Alpha could do. After everything he had done tonight, Yibo owed his little wolf. Even though Yibo wished he didn't, he remembered everything that had transpired in these last few hours. He remembered meeting Chang Ming Jing, getting Lei's call, remembered the fear cripple him when he smelled Zhan's blood in the air and he remembered the frightened look on Zhan's face when he had gone feral. Yibo was sure he would never forget that look for the rest of his miserable life. He had put that look there. He had scared his little wolf. Had hurt him. Had forcibly... "Don't leave me, baby lion. Please", Zhan begged against his chest, and Yibo's throat clogged before he bit a word out. "Go." Zhan flinched against him but didn't pull away as Yibo had hoped. Zhan's arms curled around him and Yibo had to drop his hands by his side before they wrapped around Zhan. Every cell in his body screamed at him to take his little wolf in his arms again, to hold him one last time but Yibo didn't. He didn't deserve it. Not after everything he had done today. "I said leave", he growled and this time, the cold words caused Zhan's arms to fall away from his body. Even when it was expected, the loss of Zhan's warmth hurt like hell.

"Little wolf", the soft whisper left Yibo's lips like a prayer when Zhan stepped away from him, his golden eyes fixing on Yibo. The Omega's eyes had fury shining in them like Yibo had never seen before and Zhan's lips curled over his lips, anger clouding his features. "I thought you didn't want to leave me, Wang Yibo. I thought you loved me. Was it all a lie?" The flatly spoken words unnerved Yibo and incapable of meeting Zhan's eyes, Yibo turned his face away but he couldn't escape the intense stare. "Twenty fucking years, baby lion. I have spent the last twenty years of my life loving you and you think I'll let you go this easily?" The words managed to steal the breath from Yibo's lungs despite his little wolf's arctic tone. Fingers came to cup Yibo's jaw and Zhan's face came into vision. "You have chosen the wrong person to fuck with, Wang Yibo. If you think you'll manage to get even a foot out of this door tonight, you have underestimated me." 

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