31. Yibo, let her go!

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"They found Zhang Xuan loitering around the territory. He couldn't get past the gates but he is still to create a scene. I haven't told Wei Wei about this yet", briefed Bowen to which Yibo nodded. "Don't mention him to her. Unless he tries to breach the territory, we will ignore him. I don't think he'll want to create trouble for Wei Wei here."  "What about Lou Bai?", questioned Haoxuan and a grim look came over the Alpha's face as his thoughts went to the cougar. "Monitor him. He left Hope quietly but he won't let Chang Xia go so easily. He will confront her and there's a chance Chang Xia will convince him to go back to the shelter. This time he will be more aggressive if he returns. How many shifters are guarding Hope right now?"  "Fifty from our pack and there are forty others. There have been some additions from a few packs. Wu Jing and another female Alpha have some of their wolves patrolling too."  "The Luo Alpha was right. Xiao Zhan did manage to gather support from the few Alphas", spoke Feiyu and Yibo stiffened a little in his chair.

"Did Wu Jing come to the shelter?", asked Yibo, his voice taut and his pack members eyed him warily shaking their heads. "Tell Yunfan to let me know if he does. He propositioned Zhan before, he'll  surely try again. The asshole is asking for a gruesome end", muttered Yibo under his breath and felt the familiar unease coil around him. It was as if Yibo turned his head just for a second and there was a man trying to seduce his mate. Yibo couldn't blame anyone for wanting his little wolf but that didn't mean the bastards just got to blatantly flirt with his Zhan. "You can go now. I'll deal with Bai Lou if need arises and now that Chang Xia has lost most of her support, it will be easier to get her to yield. I'll pay Chang Ming Jing a visit soon."  "Okay, Alpha."  "Will Xiao Zhan stay the night?", asked Haoxuan with a teasing note and Yibo's lips curved at the ends unconsciously. "Hm. He will. He is almost here. Tell the others to be on their best behavior."  The three men smiled as they nodded and were almost out of the room before Yibo called Haoxuan's name. "Anything else?"  "Send YuQi in, Xuan." The Beta's eyes were wide and Yibo chose to ignore the man's reaction telling him to hurry up. " But-"  "I won't kill her, Haoxuan. Bring her in."

Yibo was fanning himself with a set of papers in his hands when the doors opened and YuQi stepped in, her form stiffened and eyes on the ground. "Will you stand there all day? I don't have a lot of time, Xiang YuQi. My little wolf is on his way here." The woman flinched but walked in the room her fingers knotted together as she sat before Yibo. "Here."  Dark, lotus petal eyes rose to Yibo's face, tears glistening in them and the Wang Alpha dropped the papers in front of her before clasping his hands together on the desk. He saw YuQi pick the papers with trembling hands and the shaking intensified before her eyes raised to Yibo's again, her face now featuring a look full of horror. "T-This...why?"  "There are total four packs Lei has found for you. Choose one and you can leave tomorrow."  Yibo's voice was dripping with restrained anger but his glacial eyes didn't hide the hatred in them. The Alpha loathed this woman with everything in him but he couldn't forget that YuQi had helped him all these years which was why Yibo had decided to transfer her to one of the packs instead of just killing her.

"The Omegas are treated well in these packs and Lei knows all the Alphas personally. They won't bother you. You can live your life the way you want. Pick one."  "I don't want to leave", stated YuQi firmly wiping at her face and Yibo had to give her points for not being a coward for once although his wolf just wanted to bite her head off. "And I don't want to let you live but we don't get what we always want. So, choose YuQi."  The woman stood up then tearing at the papers in her hands and scattered the paper bits all around, her chin raising up a notch and her eyes shining with fury. "I. Won't. Leave. The only way you will get me to leave this place is by killing me. I have been by your side for five years, Alpha. I won't leave you this easily."  "Is this what you told my little wolf that day, Omega?", demanded Yibo and for a second he saw bone chilling fear in YuQi's eyes. "I..I don't know what you are talking about."  "Did you really think that I will let you off the hook, YuQi? That even after hurting my mate you would get to live freely?"  Yibo stood up from his chair and the sinister look the Alpha gave YuQi had the woman trembling. 

"When I met Zhan that day, his beautiful eyes were not bright. They were dull and I saw hurt in them. I was livid with you, YuQi. Fucking furious. What you told him gutted my little wolf and I don't take things like that lightly, YuQi. You have to pay for what you did to my mate." Yibo rounded his desk, his eyes shining a deep red with wrath and his claws raked his desk leaving deep marks on the wood. "You have no idea how much I want to break those fragile bones in your body. Banishing you from this pack and then hunting you when my wolf goes feral will be a fitting end but I am not doing that. Believe me when I say that I am letting you off easy, Omega. Gu Yinjun fucked all of us up and you have enough monsters that haunt you at night. I don't need to be one of them. So, leave this place. Leave and never...ever come back."  "What's so special about him?", came the voice and Yibo stared at the woman across from him, her shoulders squared as she scowled. "I..I have been here for five years. You...you feel something for me too, Yibo. You saved me that day from Gu Yinjun. You brought me here. The days when you didn't even recognize yourself, I stayed by your bed, I calmed down your wolf. He was not with you! I stood by you in his place and now...you think I can just switch my feelings off? That isn't how this works, Yibo. You can't just use and discard-"  "I knew I was going to die, YuQi", began with a thunderous expression on his face that made YuQi realise she had angered Yibo even more.

"When I killed Yinjun, I willed my wolf to back off and he didn't. That is when I knew my end was near. All I wanted was my little wolf's arms so that I could die in his arms. All I could think of was him. When my breaths were numbered, the only word that left my mouth was his name."  Yibo spoke gritting his teeth and pointed a finger to her face his eyes turning a dark brown before they turned a bright red again. "You came up with this solution. You told Haoxuan that you could imitate Zhan's scent. You hoped my wolf would recognize it. And, I did. My wolf did. You sat beside me smelling of plum blossoms because you wanted to, you crawled into my bed saying you are him because you wanted me but even when I was an inch away from losing my sanity,I knew you weren't Zhan. You never took his place, YuQi. I never touched you.  I didn't touch you when I was half crazy with need and neither will I do it now. Because you are not him."  Each word was a nail in the coffin and YuQi's eyes brimmed with tears while her face had fury stamped on it. Yibo had hoped she would give up. Thought that she would be glad to be away from him and start afresh but she would rather cling to this distorted reality.Yibo wanted to pity her. Escaping Gu Yinjun and coming out sane wasn't easy but just because she had helped Yibo, she didn't get rights to him. She didn't get to speak to Zhan and hurt him. Yibo would never stand for that.

"It's not just you who escaped that night. I brought others here too. You are not special to me and I never said that you had a place beside me. You knew it was Zhan I wanted..him I needed and you still let yourself get lost in your fantasy. You can say that it was me who used you but I never coerced you into helping me, Xiang YuQi. Every single time you mimicked his scent I told you that you didn't have to. That you had done enough. But, if you need to hate me and say that I used you then it's alright. Hate me, curse me, do whatever the hell you want but you will not be around my Zhan anymore. You saw what I did to the men who dared to want him but you don't have any fucking idea of what I will do to the person who hurts him. Be glad you are still breathing. If Zhan hadn't calmed me down that day...I swear to God you head would've been rotting on my front porch." 

"Zhan...Zhan...Zhan..Zhan...ZHAN! ZHAN! ZHAN! All you can say is his fucking name! What is so special about him!!? HE IS JUST AN OMEGA LIKE US ALL! The days you were suffering he was sitting here, living his life without a care in the world! He was fucking that Alpha of his while you screamed in pain! I HELPED YOU! I TOOK CARE OF YOU! I LOVE YOU! What's so fucking special about that bastard?!!"  The doors to Yibo's office swung open with a loud bang and Haoxuan's eyes were widened as he lunged towards Yibo. YuQi was pinned to the wall, Yibo's red, gleaming eyes inches away from her face and the dominant aura in the room was nauseating. Haoxuan's wolf whined in submission, fear overpowering his animal but Xuan powered through, grabbing Yibo. The veins on Yibo's neck and hand were corded as he strangled YuQi and Haoxuan had to call for help. "FEIYU!!! FANXING!! HELP!! Alpha, let her go!!"  Haoxuan grabbed Yibo from behind trying to pull the Alpha off the woman but it was impossible. Grunts and loud growls spilled from Yibo's mouth, his eyes holding no recognition and Haoxuan cursed knowing they were fucked! The Alpha threw the woman away, her broken gasps and tear filled eyes fueling his rage and dark red eyes turned to Haoxuan a second later. "I. Will. Kill. You." Each word branded itself on bones of YuQi and Haoxuan and Xuan felt his spine tingle with fear he had never felt before. Yibo turned to the Omega again and YuQi scampered away coughing and crying, her neck bruised and red while Haoxuan raised his arms in the air, baring his neck. "A-Alpha. Yibo..Listen to me. Yibo, control yourself. Yibo...you are stronger than your wolf, man. Please..Alpha." 

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