33. Mark me...

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Zhan was milling around the Yibo's kitchen pouring himself a glass of orange juice when he heard the grunt from behind him. "I am not ignoring you. I just feel a bit thirsty", he justified taking a big sip from his glass and seconds later arms coiled around Zhan's waist, Yibo's head coming to rest on the back of his neck. Zhan raised his arm to palm Yibo's cheek and the two men swung about slowly until Zhan turned around in Yibo's arms. Dark pools of  possessiveness met Zhan's eyes and an arm banded around Zhan's waist to pull him flush against Yibo's front. "No longer feeling like eating me?", he teased and got a sharp nip at his jaw. Zhan hissed pushing at Yibo and stroking his tender skin.

"Your wolf bit me in the same place, it hurts." Yibo dove his face back into Zhan's throat and knowing what his Alpha needed, Zhan wrapped Yibo in his arms breathing his Alpha in. The arms around Zhan tightened until it started to hurt but Zhan didn't complain, just let Yibo take whatever he needed from him in that moment. He heard a sniffle and dropped a kiss to Yibo's neck murmuring sweet nothings into his ear. "It's all over, Yibo. You are fine now." Zhan pulled back and dropping another kiss on Yibo's hands led the Alpha out to his living room feeling the cool air on his skin as they sat down on the couch. "You need to get that door fixed tomorrow. It'll be freezing here at night." Yibo was still silent staring at their entwined hands not saying a word and Zhan rose up, planting himself in Yibo's lap, his hands caressing Yibo's face lovingly. "Why aren't you saying anything?"  Yibo bit his lower lip and his eyes turned away from Zhan but Zhan wasn't having any of it. He straddled Yibo, his knees on either side of Yibo's thighs and the Alpha had no choice but to look at Zhan. "Is there something wrong, Yibo?"  "Why are you still here?", came the soft whisper and Zhan's brows furrowed in confusion.

"You saw what I am capable of. You saw how I get when I...I am not in control of myself. You should be running away from me, little wolf. What are you still doing here?" The words were extremely soft and Zhan's heart ached at the hurt he sensed on his Alpha. "I remember speaking to YuQi. I got angry and my wolf broke through. Stronger than before. I couldn't stop myself. All he wanted was to see the life drain out of her eyes and when Haoxuan tried to stop me...I attacked him as well", Yibo admitted and while the explanation rose a lot of questions in Zhan's head he chose to let Yibo talk first and get all his pent up anger out. "Jumping in to help me like that was a stupid move, Xiao Zhan. I could've hurt you."  "You wouldn't have", Zhan insisted and found a finger pressed into his lips, the motion shutting him up. "My wolf only knows anger, Zhan. When that bloodlust clouds his head, he doesn't recognize anything else. He doesn't know who he is hurting and who is standing before him. You need to stay away when my wolf goes feral."  "You recognized me today", Zhan reminded the man only for Yibo to glare at him. "And what if he doesn't the next time? Do you know how close I was to you? I would've ripped out your fucking throat and none of my shifters would've been able to help you. I...I can't hurt you, Zhan. If something happens to you-"  Yibo's next words got muffled against Zhan's mouth as the Omega pressed his lips to Yibo's in a hard kiss. Arms curled around Zhan's lower back and Yibo pulled him even closer until Zhan could feel Yibo's need for him against his ass. Both men were breathing heavy when their lips parted and Zhan kissed Yibo's forehead before cupping the man's cheeks in his palms, staring hard into Yibo's eyes.

"I know what I am getting myself into and I will help you whether you ask for my help or not. You would do the same for me and you can't deny this."  "My wolf-"  "He is suffering, Wang Yibo", Zhan added sternly and Yibo went silent. "I know you think that this is the only way to control your wolf but I don't agree with you, Yibo. If controlling your wolf was the answer, you wouldn't be struggling with this problem even after five years! He feels unsafe and by suppressing him you have isolated your animal even more. Your inner animal needs to heal, baby lion. For that he will need people he cares about around him. Cornering your animal and fighting with him will not help you. We need to let your animal know that he isn't with Gu Yinjun anymore...that he isn't in danger anymore." A shudder ran through Yibo's body as the words echoed in his head and Zhan wrapped Yibo in his arms, Yibo's head resting above Zhan's heart.

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