26. Believe me..

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Wang Yibo turned to his side, squeezing his eyes against the light that was peeking in through the curtains and let out a annoyed growl. Was it morning already? He didn't want to get up. He was too comfortable and too warm! "Haoxuan! Close the blinds!", he yelled and wasn't prepared for the harsh slap that came to his head. "Stop shouting!" Yibo's eyes opened with a snarl, his wolf ready to wreak havoc but his growling eased at the sight before him, his heart flipping. Yibo's little wolf was curled to his side, his arm resting on Yibo's waist, a peaceful look on that beautiful face and Yibo laid his head back on the pillow hoping this wasn't a dream. Zhan mumbled something else in his sleep but cuddled deeper into Yibo and the Alpha took a calming breath feeling that his heart would burst out of his chest any moment. Yibo's eyes roamed around and the events of last night came to him at once, a smile coming on his lips. Zhan was here. Keeping Yibo safe. His little wolf had promised he would be back and he had kept his promise. Dreading that his beautiful dream would be shattered but being the greedy man he was, Yibo placed his hand on the Omega's waist pulling Zhan even closer to him. He breathed in the scent of plum blossoms and sighed again knowing that this was the closest he would get to heaven. "I can feel you staring", the words came after a few moments and Yibo grinned even wider when Zhan opened his eyes. Yibo had missed this. Waking up next to Zhan and seeing those dark eyes all lazy and languid. During their years in the shelter, Yibo had rarely ever woken up without his little wolf by his side. Looking back, Yibo couldn't remember any night he had slept without Zhan by his side. They ate together, trained together and sometimes when Zhan was extremely tired, Yibo carried the Omega on his back while Zhan whined and complained on his back. Those memories were precious to Wang Yibo.  Maybe that was why these five years were so hard on him. Xiao Zhan was not just a habit. He was Yibo's life.

"Why are you up so early?", Zhan spoke softly, his voice still husky from sleep and the faint whisper went directly to Yibo's groin.  "Are you feeling better?", Zhan asked again when he got no answer making a move to get up and Yibo panicked, grabbing Zhan harder than he should have making the Omega yelp. "Sorry", Yibo apologised immediately but his grip didn't slack and Zhan's brows furrowed. "Are you still on edge?"  Yibo pursed his lips not really sure how to answer that question without worrying Zhan. He was on edge. Even after sleeping in Zhan's bed, surrounded by his little wolf's scent Yibo's wolf was still the same as he was everyday. Irritated, growling and angry but for once he wasn't hounding Yibo to surface like he did most mornings. Atleast that was something. "Be honest with me, Yibo. Is your wolf feeling any better?"  "He is", Yibo said after a moment's pause and Zhan's eyes narrowed in a way that told Yibo he was in trouble. "I just told you to be honest with me and yet here you are, lying to me first thing in the morning. I'll ask again. Is your wolf okay, Yibo?"  Yibo sighed out loud and tried to pull Zhan closer half hoping Zhan would let the matter go but Zhan was persistent.  "Better than most mornings but he is still restless", responded Yibo candidly and just as expected the sentence made Zhan frown. The look of worry on Zhan's face didn't sit well with Yibo and the man eased the frown with his thumb, his heart no longer stuffy when the frown was gone. "When can we talk about this?", came the question and every muscle in Yibo's body went stiff and Zhan noticed it. The Omega raised his head up from Yibo's chest despite of Yibo's snarl and glared at the man lying beside him. "Come on, Yibo. If things were the other way round, wouldn't you want to know what happened to me?" The question had fire erupting in Yibo's eyes and the Alpha scowled at Zhan.  "Nothing will ever happen to you. You'll always be safe and healthy", Yibo stressed and the overprotective aura of his Alpha had Zhan rolling his eyes while his wolf was lapping it all up. 

"I am not asking you to tell me all the details. I'll wait until you are ready for that. I just need a gist of it. Whatever you are willing to share at this point. I deserve to know what I am getting myself into, Yibo. How can I help you if I don't even understand what's happening to you?"  "I told you before-"  A frustrated sigh left Zhan and he palmed Yibo's cheeks cutting the Alpha off and gazing into his eyes. "I want my baby lion back, Wang Yibo. I need you to be fine. You say that I am important to you, say that all of you is mine so I want to know what you are dealing with. If you won't tell me, I'll go look for answers myself. I am asking you nicely because I want you to be the person who tells me all of it. Tell me or things will get a lot harder for you."  Zhan mustered his best scary face and Wang Yibo had the audacity to laugh in his face. Laugh in his fucking face. Yibo's shoulders shook with the force of his laughs and he covered his face with an arm, annoying Zhan even more. "Why are you laughing?!!" Zhan tried to remove Yibo's hand that was covering the man's eyes but the Alpha was stronger than him. Putting both his hands to use, Zhan pulled hard only for the Alpha to exert more strength as he tugged and Zhan found himself sprawled on Yibo, his body burning hot at the contact. The Alpha's laugh had ceased and Zhan found himself staring in dark pools of desire, his breathing picking up at the way Yibo's arms dug into his waist. "Is this you being nice to your Alpha?", Yibo asked in a hoarse voice seeing Zhan react to their proximity and Yibo almost moaned aloud when Zhan's scent got more intense with arousal. It gave Yibo a sense of peace that it wasn't just him who felt this carnal hunger. From the whiff of it, Zhan was in every step of the way and that knowledge pleased the Wang Alpha very much. "Let me up", Zhan whispered but made no moves to get up so Yibo concluded Zhan didn't really want Yibo to let go. "We can talk this way", Yibo suggested and Zhan's throat bobbed as the man swallowed hard. Yibo thought of latching onto the pale skin and sucking hard but before he could do it, a palm covered his mouth. "I am still not done talking to you. I won't let you distract me again. Please, Yibo."

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