24. Wu Jing...

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Yibo didn't know how long he lay over Zhan, drawing comfort from the man but soon his eyes got heavy as exhaustion finally caught up to him. It had been days since he slept, the nightmares and pack errands keeping him awake and now being wrapped in Zhan's scent made him let go of all his worries, his limbs relaxing. Zhan's phone rang, the shrill tone making Yibo growl and despite of knowing that Zhan was struggling to grab the phone from his nightstand, Yibo didn't move an inch, too comfortable in his little wolf's arms. "You could move a little", Zhan tried but Yibo gave no response, just burrowed himself deeper into Zhan. A sigh of exasperation left Zhan before the Omega grabbed his phone which made Yibo's lips curl up at their sides. "Yeah, Cheng?...Got caught up with something.... Yeah... Yeah...Tell uncle I am almost there...I will."  Yibo had managed to catch both sides of the conversation and he knew what Zhan was about to say even before Zhan's lips moved. "I have a party to attend, Yibo. Will you be okay for a few hours?" Yibo smiled knowing that his Zhan-Zhan was still worried for him although his wolf was whining knowing Zhan was going to leave. "I'll be back soon."  The reassurance wasn't necessary but the words made Yibo's cold heart feel warm again. He nodded against Zhan causing the man to let out a deep sigh of relief.  "Should I call someone from your pack to take you back home?"  Yibo shook his head and Zhan rolled them around propping himself up over Yibo.  He eyed the Alpha under him, glad to see the faint smile on Yibo's face and made another suggestion. "You could stay here tonight. Sleep. I'll tell Guo Cheng or Lei to check up on you. Once I come back from the party, we'll work something out. Will you be able to hang on till then?"  Yibo mumbled something Zhan didn't catch, moved up on Zhan's bed, lay his head on Zhan's pillow and took in a deep breath closing his eyes. Zhan stared at the man for a while watching as Yibo's breath evened out and the scene reminded him of the night Yibo's wolf had come into his room. Engaged in an internal battle with your inner animal twenty four seven had to be exhausting and Zhan couldn't help but pity Yibo. All these years trying to keep his beast in check and pretending that things were fine, it had to be tiresome and from the looks of it, Yibo was bone tired. Zhan covered Yibo with his blanket turned his lamp off and brushed the hair off Yibo's face, his heart heavy. Zhan didn't want to leave Yibo. His wolf pleaded to stay near his Alpha and nuzzle him and honestly, Zhan wanted the same. After what he had seen tonight, he was even more determined to help the Alpha but he had to attend the gathering at the Luo territory tonight. It was important to get as much support as they could get and this was a golden opportunity that Zhan just couldn't miss.  "I'll come back soon."  Pressing his lips to Yibo's head, Zhan got up, texting Lei about Yibo resting in his room. He picked his bag when something came to him suddenly and Zhan opened his wardrobe, taking out the lion plushie from the bottom. The Omega placed the stuffed animal to Yibo's side and saw the Alpha reach towards the toy in his sleep holding it tight. "It'll keep you safe, baby lion. I'll be back soon."

Zhan drove to the Luo territory, his head still reeling from the events of the night and he bit his lips as the images of Yibo above him flashed before his eyes. Zhan's body responded to the images in his head and need rose in Zhan to turn the car around and see Yibo again but he stopped himself. Yibo was tired and in need of rest so Zhan had to keep his questions to himself for now. He wanted to know what had happened to the Alpha all those years ago but he realized he needed to be careful with the man. Zhan didn't want Yibo to shut him out again. They had to look for a way to help Yibo's wolf because Zhan couldn't always be around the Alpha. There was that whole situation with Yu Qi and Zhan was angry with the woman for the things she had said. She had blatantly called herself Yibo's lover, had told Zhan to keep his distance but from what Yibo had said,there was nothing between him and Yu Qi. Zhan believed Yibo wouldn't lie to him over something so important. Even if Yibo had a relationship with the woman, he could have come clean about it and Zhan wouldn't have said a word. It would've hurt but he would've understood Yibo's need for support and care from what he was dealing with.  Zhan's phone buzzed and there was a text from Lei saying that Yibo was still deep asleep. Zhan assured the lion shifter that he would be back as soon as possible and Lei told him to not to worry about Yibo. As if Zhan could stop himself. Zhan parked his car and got out, eyeing the cars lined up in the driveway preparing himself for the night.  "Here goes nothing." The party was in full swing, the overbearing scent of Alphas, sweet scent of Omegas and alcohol heavy in the air and Zhan could already feel a headache creeping in. If not for the shelter, Zhan wouldn't have stepped in a party like this. They were all the same anyway. Alphas were always in a pissing contest with each other, the Omegas were clinging to their arms the perfect trophies and the parties always ended up in a fight. "The sooner this is done, the sooner you can go back, Zhan."

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