12. I want your death...

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Zhan entered Lei's office and was taken aback to see the man pacing and growling all over the place. "Lei, you okay?" Zhan closed the door behind him when Lei snarled again and just stood by the door knowing something had really pissed the lion off. Lei was a calm headed, reasonable man and it took a lot to make him angry. If something had made the man snarl and growl like he was right now, Zhan could guess that the matter was sensitive. "He thinks he can fuck with me!!" Zhan stilled when a chair was thrown harshly against the cupboard and Lei clenched his hands into fists. Zhan sensed anger radiating off Lei in waves and slowly approached Lei, his footsteps loud so that Lei knew it was him. When he was standing close to the lion shifter, Zhan placed a hand over his shoulder and channeled some calming energy into the man. The effect was immediate and tension left Lei's body seconds later. "Sorry if I scared you", the man apologized and Zhan grunted. "The only way you can scare me is by cooking those hideous mooncakes. Nothing else works on me, Lei", Zhan teased and Lei's lips quirked just as he had expected. "So want to tell me what has you all wound up?" Zhan saw the hesitancy on Lei's face and was about to tell Lei that he didn't have to force himself but the man spoke up. "A friend from my old pride called me. My step brother has joined hands with Chang Xia." "What? Why would he do that?", Zhan asked with a raised voice shocked by the elder's words. A defeated sigh left Wang Lei as he sat while Zhan waited patiently, hoping Lei would explain the matter to him.

"My father was disappointed when I decided to leave the pride. I was next in line to lead and my father had high expectations for me. I am not proud that I let my father down, A-Zhan." Zhan saw guilt on Lei's face and rubbed the elder's back in encouragement. "After me, Yilong, my step brother took my father's place. I wasn't interested in leading the pack, too heartbroken over my A-Tong and Yilong happily took my place. It was just that many thought he was unfit to lead the pack. Lions place a lot of importance on bloodlines and while I was alive, it was clear that they wouldn't let Yilong lead." "It has been so many years, Lei. Why would he make a move now?", Zhan asked frowning and Lei spoke after a moment's silence. "He tried to kill me before. You and Yibo weren't around back then and the shelter was fairly new as well. I had been turning away my pride members' requests for me to take the position for months and finally, Yilong snapped. He challenged me but failed to defeat me. He went home and was ridiculed even more. I could have submitted to him if all he wanted was the pack but Yilong didn't just want my submission, he wanted me dead." Anger and pain was clear in Lei's voice and Zhan was surprised that the man had hidden this from everyone for so long. "I often thought of returning. I am ashamed to say that while helping others eased my guilt, I missed the warmth of familial love. It gnawed on me but everytime I thought of letting go, Tong's face came to my mind and I knew I couldn't leave things here and go back. Then one day, you and Yibo came and my life took a turn. I have raised you boys since you were small and as I saw you turn into these handsome, strong men a part of me that craved a family was satisfied. You and Yibo are an important chapter to this shelter's story, Zhan. You both strengthened my resolve and I could reach here." Lei brushed his hand over Zhan's head and Zhan pulled the elder into a hug. "You have a family, Lei. I am sorry about your brother but you have me and so many others in the shelter. You have been an elder brother to us and I am grateful that you are a part of my life. As far as your brother is concerned, we will deal with him, Lei." Zhan patted the elder's back and Lei nodded against him.

"He is getting older and his grip on the pack is slipping. If I get killed, no one one will speak against him again. This fight gives Yilong a reason to finally settle scores with me. He won't let this chance go, Zhan. Chang Xia might have done her research before approaching him. While I know that many will stand by my side, he is the Alpha of the pride. They won't go against him." Lei's words were heavy with emotion and Zhan could guess how betrayed the man was feeling. "Wei Wei and I don't have much in common but having siblings that are out for our blood is definitely something we can share a drink on", Lei joked and Zhan's lips curled in amusement. "That and the fact that you both love those tasteless mooncakes you make." "You are the only one who dislikes them", Lei countered with a scoff and Zhan made a gagging face making the elder laugh. "Have you told Yibo and Uncle Teng about this?", Zhan asked when their laughter subsided and Lei nodded. "Shen Teng already knows. I wanted to let Yibo and Yichen know but I found out that Chang Xia has invited Yibo and him for a talk." "She wants to turn them against us", Zhan concluded and Lei snorted. "She won't succeed. Do you think Yibo will turn his back on us?", Lei asked when he saw the uncertainty on Zhan's face but Zhan shook his head. "I know he won't betray us that way. It's just that Chang Xia is a master manipulator. I just hope nothing goes wrong." "I can bet a thousand bucks that one of her wolves is going to die today and we will hear the news of her embarrassment tomorrow." Zhan smiled at the confidence in the man's tone. "Let's hope you are right."

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