57. Kill me...

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Taking a deep breath, Xiao Zhan's gaze roamed around landing on the large brown wolf leading the beasts on Ming Jing's side. "Yibo!", he yelled and the white wolf who was now splattered in the blood of his enemies, swiftly turned towards him. Zhan's gaze locked with the crimson orbs and he reached out to their bond sensing Yibo had not gone completely over the edge. The white wolf pinned Zhan with his gaze licking the blood of its muzzle, waiting for Zhan's instructions. The Omega pointed to Chang GenXin silently communicating his intentions and the Wang Alpha brutally beheaded one of his foes growling his agreement. Running side by side, Yibo's wolf and Zhan moved through the group of jackals and wolves slicing, biting, ducking, and twisting. They moved fast, moved smoothly, moved as one. The white wolf swiped and killed every enemy that dared to look towards Zhan and the Omega kept his eyes pinned onto the wolf whose death would take them a step closer to victory. While Wu Jing dealt with Ming Jing, Yibo and Zhan were going to take care of Ming Jing's enforcer.

Shifting mid-air, Zhan rushed towards GenXin. Hackles raised, ears upright, and lips curled back, the inky black wolf lunged at the brown wolf. The brown wolf had just shirked off a Wang wolf off him when saw the Primary Omega pounce at him. Prepared for the attack he snapped his teeth tight around the Omega's neck dragging the wolf beneath him. The brown wolf felt blood fill his mouth but didn't get a chance to celebrate his victory. A powerful blow came onto his side the next heartbeat sending him flying towards a tree. The brown wolf crashed into the tree trunk so hard, that his breath caught, his leg twisting at an unnatural angle. The wolf yelped trying to get on his feet but struggled. He had been tricked. A snarl tore from his lips because he knew he had been played. The Omega had been a distraction. A chilling growl came from before him and feet away he saw the Wang Alpha bury his face in his mate's bloody neck.

The white wolf was drenched in blood, the red liquid dripping off its muzzle, bits of flesh in his coat. The feral animal was rough as he licked the blood off his mate's throat. The inky black wolf chuffed out a grunt but was staring at Chang GenXin, his lips curled over his fangs. The sight of the two mated wolves had GenXin fuming. The white wolf followed his mate's gaze and locked his gaze with Chang GenXin. Feeling fury swamp him the brown wolf stood up snapping his broken bone into place. A grunt left him at the pain but all he focused on was his opponent. His Alpha had told him all about the feral wolf. The Wang Alpha was Hope's strongest supporter. Once he fell, Wei Wei's security would be in shambles. In another scenario, Chang GenXin would've challenged his enemy head-on but that was not the way to deal with Wang Yibo.

Swiftly turning to his right, GenXin barked out a commanding growl, one that had the attention of his wolves. The thirty-some wolves slowly approached him their eyes shifting from him to Wang Yibo and then to the inky black wolf behind him. Genxin's eyes locked with his second-in-command and the wolf responded by rushing towards Xiao Zhan with the numerous wolves after him. The white wolf let out a guttural growl standing in front of his mate something the Changs had already anticipated. "The only way to get through that rabid bastard is his mate. Kill Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo will fall apart." Chang Xia's voice echoed in the Enforcer's head and he rushed towards Wang Yibo.

Zhan stood up watching GenXin and another group led by a creamy wolf bounding towards them. It didn't take long for Zhan to figure out what was GenXin planning. Familiar scents came from behind him and the Omega slowly backed away towards the two wolves that had come to his aid. The brown and white she-wolf bumped Zhan's neck with her muzzle while the other dark male wolf let out an enraged howl. Zhan could sense the anger and worry in his parents' but he was too anxious to reassure them. The group of wolves descended and his family crashed into them while Zhan stayed in place watching Chang GenXin slam hard into his mate.

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